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Android change the song when sync local files from Computer

Android change the song when sync local files from Computer



I follow the instructions to create and sync local files. I create a playlist, add the files and select "offline". When the playlist sync to my Android (moto x) spotify messes up the song, downloading other song from the artist.

3 Replies



When Spotify syncs the offline tracks it will search it's own library for a match and will prefer that over your local file. I suspect it's found a match based on the metadata of your local file and is pulling a different live track which is on the Spotify server. My guess is the metadata track name is something like: "Walkng In My Shoes - Live". And so it's found a match.


If you right click on the track in windows and select properties you may be able to change the properties of the file to give it a new name such as "Walking In My Shoes - Live from Berlin" which should hopefully make it different enough to prefer your track.

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What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

The mp3 files has all his metadata accordingly, I'm attaching a mp3tag of one of the files.


Where can I report a bug?


Please see this thread about how to report broken or incorrect track data.

Please use the search feature before posting a problem/bug/idea.
What's a Spotify Rock Star, and how do I become one?
     Using Spotify Since March 10th 2009
     Twitter: @mechanimal82

Android Troubleshooting:
[COMPLETE GUIDE] How to fix most Android issues
Spotify Android Version History

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