Hi there,
You'll be happy to know I've recently joined Spotify and premium after previously using Google Play Music (I used to download my music and upload it there).
Just a few problems I am having...
Please note this is nothing to do with the power saving feature that I have seen mentioned before as I have done all of the suggestions that have been mentioned on here that I know of...
The Spotify app keeps crashing.
Like I could be playing music then I skip the song or select another song and it just crashes. The app freezes and the music continues to play..
I close the app by pressing app switcher and swiping away but that doesn't solve it - I have to force close the app in settings.
Even had a warning on my S7 Edge saying that the Spotify app is causing my phone to run slowly and it crashed XX amount of times in the last few days.
Bare in mind, my phone is a brand new S7 Edge, it's fast, just this app...
When I go on app switcher/recent apps on my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and close all apps, this closes Spotify. I understand that Spotify is an app bla bla bla, but all other music apps don't close when this is done.
After doing some research I found this was added in version XX (can't remember now, but just downgraded to the version before this "feature" was implemented)
Hoping on this version it won't keep crashing either like on the latest version...
Also discovered local files can't get added to the main music library and only playlists. That is rather annoying - This was different in Google Play Music.
Was hoping I could have some of your input on this?
Is this happening to other people?
Thanks guys.
I've just noticed as well that downloading music for offline use seems a lot slower on this older version.
Also the notification is a lot larger. I preffered the newer notification as the player controls and album art were a lot smaller. Any way I can make it like the new version of the app without upgrading obviously? The fact that the app closes, I can't be dealing with that so if needs be I can live with these differences... I don't think there is many more differences between this older version and the latest version (as of 6/12/16) but I could be wrong.