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Cannot download playlists for offline play at all [Unknown Sync Error]

Cannot download playlists for offline play at all [Unknown Sync Error]


Whenever I try to download tracks for offline play (whether over 3G, H+, Wifi or via Sync) my mobile gives the message "Syncing Error - Unknown error" and a continue button to press, which does nothing.


What are the steps you took to get to the error/issue?


Open Spotify on Android

Select a random playlist that hasn't been synced

Click the green "Download playlist" button

The "Syncing Error - Unknown error" message appears and the playlist sits at 0%.


What I expected to happen


When I press the green download button I expect the playlist to start downloading and reach 100%.


Did you restart your device when troubleshooting in section B?



Did you read the connection troubleshooting tips?



Your device

Samsung Galaxy Note 2


Device’s Operating System

Android version 4.1.1


What type of account do you have?



Space left on your device



Space left on your SD card (if applicable)



Space left on your External SD card (if applicable)



Is your device rooted?



Are you using a custom ROM, if so which one, exactly?



Did you set your external SD card as storage location?

No external SD.


Did you manually install an older version before installing the latest version from the Play Store?



Do you have the same issue when switching between WiFi/Mobile Data (If applicable)?



If you said "No", when does the issue not occur?

Issue occurs always, completely unable to download tracks for offline play.


My mobile Spotify version


My desktop Spotify version (if applicable)


My mobile provider and country

Orange/EE United Kingdom


My username



Do you have a Spotify (non-Facebook) login?



Are you logging in with Facebook or with your Spotify login details?



Do you have any screenshots you can attach to more clearly explain your issue?


6 Replies

Having the exact same problem as you...

Experiencing the same problem on two different phones.  Desktop app works though.

Figured it out.  I was logged in on my Galxy S as well.  Once i logge dout of that i was able to download stuff on GS 2, but while tht was going on my Nexus would give me an error.  Lokks lik only one mobile device can be logged in without  download issues.

This is not my issue, I use Spotify on my galaxy note 2 only and normally use my computer to organize and create playlists then sync them for offline use.

I am currently having the same issue with Sprint Evo 4G. I recently had my phone replaced through insurance, and thought it had something to do with having Spotify on one phone and then the other, but I am unable to log out (or do anything) on my previous phone now. 


I connect to wifi, press download playlist and it gives me the same error. It will sometimes move forward with downloading a small number of songs but inconsistently it will show them as playable offline. I work in an area with very poor cell service so this is killing me haha Any thoughts?

Thanks for all the tips!


I had to log out of my desktop before it would let me download.



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