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Help, spotify on android

Help, spotify on android

I`we downloded spotify on my Nexus tablet, but I cant seem to get it to play. Not even sure if i got it right either.. Wel, am I supposed to use the "radio" button to play my lists? When ever I try to "radio" a list, all I get is: sorry, can not radio this list.. How the h.. do i get it to play my playlist??

13 Replies

Hey! Welcome to the community 🙂 


Do you have a premium subscription? 

It is required to access your playlists on Spotify on android (and all mobile devices).



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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Yes, i have premium;) I just found out, that I can "radio" one of my playlist, and I have 30 something... Offcourse not the once I would like to have the most..

I have also downloaded some of the playlist, so I can listen without internet.. 😉 they dony work either..

That is strange!


I am going to pop this over into the android section to see if anyone else has any ideas. Can you play any tracks or is it just radio that isn't working? 



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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If I choose a playlist, then a new page appears, the only thing that page says is: owner, subscribers. If I press the little arrow thats next to the playlist, i can choose: download/undownload, share, radio, more - more leads me to the same page as before.. I have now downloaded spotify again (offcouse i uninstaled the first one) but I still have the same problem.. I am seriously about to start crying.,

If you click a playlist, just on it's own you should see the tracks in the list. Press one to play it.

That dos not work on mine.. 🙂


I have now calles a friend, and it seems that i can not se any of my owne playlists, but I can see all the list that i subscribe too.. i can play their`s lists-




I tried adding a new playlist, and i cant even see the content of that one..

As already mentioned, when i log on to my premium account on my android devices, i have the list of all my playlists, but when clicking the playlists, there are no tracks in them. I have offline mode turned off.


With the help of my boyfriend, i have been able to test on his android device. He has Spotify premium as well, and everything works as it should for him. But if we log out his user, and log on mine, then the samme issue appears. I can see my playlists, but not get access to the tracks inside them.

@lashes wrote:

As already mentioned, when i log on to my premium account on my android devices, i have the list of all my playlists, but when clicking the playlists, there are no tracks in them. I have offline mode turned off.


With the help of my boyfriend, i have been able to test on his android device. He has Spotify premium as well, and everything works as it should for him. But if we log out his user, and log on mine, then the samme issue appears. I can see my playlists, but not get access to the tracks inside them.

Hmm, strange.


And you can see the tracks in the desktop client? Please could you log out and then in on the desktop, and do the same on mobile once you've done it on the desktop.



Yes.They are fully visible on the desktop. It is really odd. Even though i do not see the tracks in my own playlist, i do see them in the playlists shared by others. 


Loggin out of the desktop and the android devices have been tried many times. This problem first happened last summer, and i gave up trying to fix it back then, and instead downgraded my account to unlimited. So now, 1 year later i try again, and the issue is still there.


I have tried on 3 different Android devices, and they all have the same issue.


It seems a lot like a error with my account, and not my android devices

shot in the dark........I don't suppose offline mode is enabled on the Nexus? Oh, and desktop and android apps are registered as the same user?

offline modus is, as already mentioned, set to off. On all the tested devices.

And yes, i am logging in with the same user on all devices

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