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Last.FM won't connect/scrobble on GS7

Last.FM won't connect/scrobble on GS7

So I've been using Last.FM on both my desktop and phone for a while now but I decided to reinstall Spotify on my phone because I was having issues with something else and now it won't scrobble. I'm logging in with the correct account info but it won't scrobble. I even reinstalled my Last.FM app to see if that was the problem but that didn't fix anything. It's not telling me that I put in the wrong account info. I reset my password for last.FM and I still have no luck. I even made a test user and it won't scrobble to that either so it's not account related. Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how did you fix it? It's still working fine on my computer. I have a Galaxy S7 and i'm on Android Version 7.0. Thanks.

4 Replies

What scrobbling method are you using? 

It's advisable to only use one method (i.e. app vs internal spotify scrobbler)


Well before I was using both and I had no issues, now neither of them work. Now i'm using the Spotify Playback thing that you activate on Last.FM and it works, scrobbles and everything, but the app on my phone doesn't.

You can now connect both services (beta feature) via So where you choose to connect playback you can also choose scrobbling. No need for any internal or external scrobbler again! 😉

Yeah, I started using the beta feature yesterday after it stopped working but now the app on my phone wont show it scrobbling. It still scrobbles, so it's not a big deal.

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