Hi this issue has been identified before by abother person before.
I used the troubleshooting template and the issue did not go away. (http://community.spotify.com/t5/Mobile-Android/Troubleshooting-Spotify-on-Android/td-p/113082)
A. Use the Search function!
If you find an existing topic which also describes your problem keep the link so you can find that topic again (link above)
B. Troubleshooting
Please follow the below troubleshooting steps to see if you can resolve the issue on your own
- On your device open (System) Settings and start Application Manager
- Look for Spotify and tap it
- Press "Clear data"
- If it's not greyed out, also press "Clear cache"
- Uninstall the Spotify app
- IMPORTANT: Completely turn off your device, then turn it back on again
- If you can remove the battery, do so now, then put it back in, then turn your device back on
- Using a file explorer app on your device, or your computer with your device connected over USB:
Look for a folder called com.spotify.mobile.android.ui
It's usually located in \Phone\Android\data\ (or in the folder you chose on your SD card when you started Spotify the first time)
Delete the com.spotify.mobile.android.ui folder(s)
- Re-install Spotify
DO NOT install an old versio
- Please use the latest version from the Play Store
- If you're having connection issues (which includes not finding your device in the desktop client), please also check our connection troubleshooting tips.
- Start Spotify, log in and have a look if your issue was resolved
- (If your issue is related to entering text, like a login or password, please make sure you're using the default Android keyboard and not a third party like Swiftkey or alternative like Swype. These apps are good, but sometimes they add extra spaces and such.)
- If your issue is related to tracks, please try changing the sync quality. If you were using something higher than normal, set it to normal. If you were using normal, set it to high or extreme. But do keep in mind that syncing in higher quality can use up your dataplan, so try to use WiFi if possible; and test with just a few tracks.
- If the issue remains, go to C (all of the steps have been carried out, but the issue still exists)
C. Reproducing the issue
There's a template below; please add as much info as possible, then go to D
Please describe the problem
After I download my playlists (make them available offline) and these are not local files, after some time, usually a few minutes or within a few hours, spotify deletes some songs from my offline playlists. And then when I go back online spotify redownloads them. I monitored which songs gets deleted but it seems that any song will get deleted at random
What are the steps you took to get to the error/issue?
(We need to know what you are doing so we can do the exact same to try and get the same error)
1.Followed option B in the troubleshooting steps one by one
2. Cleared, cache and data, reintsalled spotify from the google play store, redownloaded all playlists, and stille spotify keeps deleting my some offline songs at random.
3. I also did this - I also removed the playlist and chnaged sync quality of the downloaded songs but the issue did not go away
4. I created a new playlist and the issue occurs with new playlists too
What I expected to happen
This is what I expected to happen
I did not expect songs to be deleted at random by spotify in the new playlists that I created
Did you restart your device when troubleshooting in section B?
YES (twice too)
Did you read the connection troubleshooting tips?
Your device
Samsung Galax S3 (unlocked not rooted)
Device’s Operating System
What type of account do you have?
(FYI for the below points: Android devices tend to refer to the internal memory as "SD Card" and the SD card you inserted yourself as "External SD Card")
Space left on your device
1.33 GB GB
Space left on your SD card (if applicable)
1.33gb GB
Space left on your External SD card (if applicable)
29.33 GB
Is your device rooted?
Are you using a custom ROM, if so which one, exactly?
Did you set your external SD card as storage location?
Did you manually install an older version before installing the latest version from the Play Store?
Do you have the same issue when switching between WiFi/Mobile Data (If applicable)?
If you said "No", when does the issue not occur?
When using WiFi, 2G, 3G, 4G
My mobile Spotify version
My desktop Spotify version (if applicable)
My mobile provider and country
Vodafone Australia
My username
Do you have a Spotify (non-Facebook) login?
Are you logging in with Facebook or with your Spotify login details?
Facebook login
Do you have any screenshots you can attach to more clearly explain your issue?
D. Reporting your issue
- If you found a topic before, go there and paste your info, otherwise
- locate the appropriate help section for your specific issue in the “Help Forums”
- Start a new topic and paste all the info from section C
- When starting a new topic it helps if you make the subject line as descriptive as possible