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What are you doing Spotify?

What are you doing Spotify?

RDIO has updated there Mobile app adding new features etc in only 1 month then you have updated your app in almost around a whole year. It's obvious that your not doing much if a Company that's nowhere as big as you is doing more than you. 


And here are the two app's for those who want to compare for themselves. 


Spotify -



22 Replies

I totally aggre, Rdio trully hear his customers, and they have really innovative and usefull features.

Too bad Rdio's audio quality is poor and MOG's interface is a bear.  Spotify you are not the only one in the race anymore.  Start pumping out regular updates.  People are paying you for a service.

Hi guys,

Our developers aren't sat on their behinds doing nothing. I'm sure you'll see the fruits of their labour soon.

Check out how we're doing over @SpotifyStatus

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Who's your Spotify Star?

So long as they don't make yet another release that doesn't address any of the problems that users are actually complaining about, then I'm sure everyone will be most grateful.

Ok, Steve. I'll pass it on. So, you'd rather us hold back on bug fixes and focus solely on new features?

Check out how we're doing over @SpotifyStatus

Question answered? Just click 'Accept as solution' to help other users out. Easy.

Who's your Spotify Star?

No, the exact opposite, or preferably both bug fixes and new features. Read my earlier post more carefully. I said "So long as they DON'T make another release that doesnt address any of the problems people are complaining about".


After the disappointment of the last release, they said there would be more frequent releases with small bug fixes, but that hasn't happened. We are now more than 6 months down the line from the last release and so we are expecting both the most complained about problems to be fixed and a significant number of new features since Spotify made a big hoohaa about these new music "discovery" features at the end of last year.


If this is not going to happen then you'd better start managing people's expectations quite soon.

Not sure to fully understand your question, but what we want is written everywhere in this forum, and it's quiet obvious :

- landscape

- external sd

- resume where we left even after android killed spotify

- sorting playlists

- changing the orders of songs inside playlist

- organizing the playlists into folders

- a real "play time" information on the now playing screen

- ...


But if you are a daily user of this app, you already know all that. No ?

That's the keyword "Soon". When is Soon for Spotify 6 months, 8 months, 1 year. Answer this Sam, Why is it that RDIO a company no where as big as Spotify can manage to Release updates more often that introduce new features and have bug fixes. What have your developers done yet? Is there a Rough Changelog we can see? Could you tell us what has been done atleast. Cause as far as this community is concerned you have not done anything yet.

I'm sure the developers amongst you may attest to this, but in a development process, stablity is pretty important. For example, building one thing may break another. I can't be too candid about information on such a process, as I have nothing to do with building the app. I talk to you guys. 


The majority of updates for this redesign of Android have been stablity and "under the hood" bug fixes. Features that were rolled in since this refresh include things like the mobile radio version and our first ever use of an EQ. But we know it's not perfect, and we hear you. We do keep track of your comments and concerns, and are passing them on all the time. Would you like us to try give you some more regular updates? How often? Weekly, Monthly, Daily? 

Airhorn Enthusiast



Why do you say "The majority of updates...", in the plural,  like there has been more than one. You released the new Android app in June (after a preview release in April) and after that there has been 1 update in October. The promised small bug fix releases have never materialised and we are back to 1 maybe 2 releases a year and given that we expect a mixture of "under the hood" bug fixes, fixes to the problems that people are complaining about, and new features. If you had actually lived up to the expectation of small bug fix releases every month or every couple of months we could have understood that not every release would have new features or even fix well known problems, but now you've left it too long and expectations are only getting higher and higher.


I don't see how you can give us more regular updates since its pretty obvious that you either don't know anything or aren't allowed to tell us anything useful. If you did you would have already told us. We don't really want more regular updates here in the community, what we really want are more regular releases.

Basically Steve has said everything I was going to say. I will say this, Why do you make it seem like "Mobile Radio" And "Our first ever use of an EQ" is such a difference from your competitors? There are alot of apps that have Mobile Radio and does the job better In my Opinion. EQ is nothing special if anything you should have it implemented regardless. Next "But we know it's not perfect, and we hear you." Yeah, the factory produced statements are getting old. You've been hearing this community for years and are supposedly "passing them on all the time." The thing is NOTHING is getting done. "Would you like us to try give you some more regular updates? How often? Weekly, Monthly, Daily? " You should be giving us regular updates regardless. Why should users have to come on the forum just to demand a update? If you want to be a successful company you should start by trying to communicate alot more with your customers. 

This is starting to get ridiculous. 

Who gives a crap about radio and EQ and Facebook integration(!), when the app doesn't work?

I have been patiently waiting for that update to come, the update that will make Spotify work as intended ever since this "redesign" came along.

I mean, we can't even stream over BT when connected to wifi...

I totally agree with j_k. If you want us to be satisfied, then give us what we ask. How do you explain the nfc stuff when the app still lacks of landscape... furthermore landscape is so simple to implement. And don't ask us if we want more regular's stupid. Just do it.
And yes I am pretty sure we will see the labor of the devs... on IOS.

What I am confused on is they released an working, bug free iPad app in May almost a year ago.  The only app you have for Android has been doing nothing while the Rdio app I keep on my phone to note how regularly it updates gets updates at least weekly.  The last update had nothing substantial other than changes to the agreements and a fix for a problem I never faced.  What is sad is when my phone said Spotify had an update I got excited...


Another thing I am confused on:


There are a lot of members with less than ten posts.  You want to know what they did with those ten posts?  Complained about updates.  This should be clueing in at some point.  If you want to attract more people start updating and adding working features.

Spotify have to be the most laziest developers I've have seen for such a big company... It's getting so frustrating that they haven't added simple features such as organizing your playlist, it's so annoying trying to find a song since it only adds a new song to the bottom of the playlist. Will most likely cancel my sub and try out RDIO, looks like they listen to their community and don't give generic crap factory produced statements like Spotify does all the time.

Almost 3 months go by and all you fixed was 1 bug???? I appreciate updates to the app. But is 1 bug fix all your developers can do in 3 months.

Many things have already been said here, but what annoys me the most is the statement 'stability fixes is our main issue over new features'.


You have a programming team working on this,

there are independent developers that are solo young students who manage to have a perfect music player app that is stable and rich in features and updated oftenly.


If they can do it and your team can't, sorry for them but FIRE THEM and hire decent programmers,


I'm tired of this, i'm churning out 240euros a year to you for two accounts, the only thing holding me back of canceling my sub is the fact that i have huge playlists on spotify and it would be tiresome to rebuild them on another service.


I been a spotify fan for very long now and i really like the pc app, i have no idea how the IOS app is , but i guess it's better.

Please don't put android on the third place, it is more important than IOS


i'll stop my rant now as it seems its pointless anyway

I because of this update took the effort to make this account and reply.

I've been a premium subscriber for 1.5 years now, I was thrilled to finally see a new update, I have been bothered a lot by disappearing music that was downloaded for offline music, but when I restarted the app was gone again, it's using up a lot of my mobile data because I always use Spotify in the car to and from work. Also was I hoping for landscape view because I'd also like to use spotify on my tablet at parties, with the old app it was great to set up my tablet and pick songs, in portrait mode, not so much, a lot of wasted space, when I look at the iPad app I'm filled with rage, the Android platform is a lot bigger than iOs now, and though I believe there might be more iOs users, if Spotify would put more effort in their app their Android userbase could increase exponentially.


This update is just terrible.


How can a moderator defend the developers on this forum, where it has been nothing but complains. Promise there will be an update soon, then the update is there and fixes NOTHING.

I can live without seeing the artist and song name on my car radio, I can live with weak functions compared to iOs, but the bug that makes downloaded music disappear has been talked about on this forum for months, a lot of people came up with their own solutions, but they all involve deleting the music that's there now, I have over hundred playlists, about 16 GB of my external SD (which I was able to use via some semi-hacking skills because the new app doesn't support it) is used up with music, what if I delete it all, I download it all again and nothing sticks when I restart the app and it starts downloading everything again? Every night when I'm at home it downloads over 1000 songs through wi-fi, only for Spotify to forget them the next day when I'm in my car.


I would hate to be in the shoes of a moderator, you can't defend these developers that are ignoring the whole community. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the update, now because of the update I am seriously considering unsubscribing, the one thing holding me back is that I would have to build up my collection/playlists again from scratch, and I love the soundrop app on PC.


So please just make the app function as intended, you owe to all paying customers.

the last "update" was really a joke.

still "no internet connection available" if i have manipulated playlist with the desktop client. 

perhaps you should replace your android-devs.



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