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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
I am with the Moto X4 and the audio stutter in the first second of the
songs. It only occurs with Spotfy. At the beginning of the songs or when
I advance their track. I already cleaned cache, data, reinstalled and
nothing solve the problem.Has anyone...
I am with the Moto X4 and the audio stutter in the first second of the songs. It only occurs with Spotfy. At the beginning of the songs or when I advance their track. I already cleaned cache, data, r...
I've been experiencing that the Spotify premium app on my S7 loses where
I set my storage location after each and every update of the app. This
has been going on for several months now. I noticed only one other
recent thread and the status update was...
I've been experiencing that the Spotify premium app on my S7 loses where I set my storage location after each and every update of the app. This has been going on for several months now. I noticed onl...
Hola mi acabo de comprar una memoria SD nueva de 64Gb, al momento que
inicie la descargade mis canciones no se descargaban completas y se
reiniciaba la descarga retire mi memoria SD y con la memoria interna del
telefono no pasa eso volvi a intentar y...
Hola mi acabo de comprar una memoria SD nueva de 64Gb, al momento que inicie la descargade mis canciones no se descargaban completas y se reiniciaba la descarga retire mi memoria SD y con la memoria ...
Whenever I try to click on an album or a song, it shows "Sorry.
Something went wrong.". I can listen to songs on shuffle or as playlist
but can't listen to a specific song or album. Device: Redmi Note
3Spotify Version:
Whenever I try to click on an album or a song, it shows "Sorry. Something went wrong.". I can listen to songs on shuffle or as playlist but can't listen to a specific song or album. Device: ...
Hi, I've been using Spotify on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus for a long time,
but I've always had an issuse with Spotify randomly pauses the music,
and I have to restart the song. This has been a problem since Android
4.0.2 up to 4.1.1 Jelly bean. Is this ...
I've been using Spotify on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus for a long time, but I've always had an issuse with Spotify randomly pauses the music, and I have to restart the song.
This has bee...
Hey.I have a weird problem. I have a premium Spotify account, I already
have music on my pc and my android.But on my phone, all the songs I
already have are greyed out and I can't play them while on my pc, some
not spotify downloaded songs are (somet...
Hey. I have a weird problem. I have a premium Spotify account, I already have music on my pc and my android. But on my phone, all the songs I already have are greyed out and I can't play them while...
I have Spotify premium for quite time by now and in that time I've
encountered several issues here's a list:- randomly pauses the song or
audio just disappear.- randomly deletes my music, all of it, and I need
to download it again. Every time that ha...
I have Spotify premium for quite time by now and in that time I've encountered several issues here's a list: - randomly pauses the song or audio just disappear. - randomly deletes my music, all of ...
So been having this annoying problem where I've been logged out of
Spotify and when I log in it kicks me back out to the login so I try
again and it will does the same thing so I try logging in from Facebook
but it says there is a problem so that doe...
So been having this annoying problem where I've been logged out of Spotify and when I log in it kicks me back out to the login so I try again and it will does the same thing so I try logging in from ...
If I mistakenly downloaded playlists in Normal Quality, do I have to
clear cache and start over and redownload in Extreme? These are about
1000 tracks.
If I mistakenly downloaded playlists in Normal Quality, do I have to clear cache and start over and redownload in Extreme? These are about 1000 tracks.
Hi!I have the following:BMW 330e /w connected drive (2018) and no
pending SW updatesSamsung s8 (no pending SW updates) With the following
problems:The onboard spotify app - Changing to next song gives random
songThe spotify menu is working 50% of the...
Hi! I have the following: BMW 330e /w connected drive (2018) and no pending SW updates Samsung s8 (no pending SW updates) With the following problems: The onboard spotify app - Changing ...
Tengo dos playlist, una de un genero y otra de genero distinto, ambas
con muchas canciones, quisiera poder reproducir las dos playlist como si
fueran una y no tener que pasar las canciones a una nueva playlist ya
que son muchas.
Tengo dos playlist, una de un genero y otra de genero distinto, ambas con muchas canciones, quisiera poder reproducir las dos playlist como si fueran una y no tener que pasar las canciones a una nuev...
Estimados, en un principio, mientras reproducía música en mi S6 edge de
spotify, con la pantalla bloqueada podía cambiar el tema que escuchaba y
demás opciones que ya no las tengo.Cada vez que quiero pasar un tema,
tengo que desbloquear el teléfono y...
Estimados, en un principio, mientras reproducía música en mi S6 edge de spotify, con la pantalla bloqueada podía cambiar el tema que escuchaba y demás opciones que ya no las tengo. Cada vez que quie...
After I updated Spotify I noticed that my volume is too low, I have
uninstalled the app, clean cache, and all I could think of but to no
avail, I have tried other apps like Google All Access etc and their
sound is fine on spotify is behaving like thi...
After I updated Spotify I noticed that my volume is too low, I have uninstalled the app, clean cache, and all I could think of but to no avail, I have tried other apps like Google All Access etc and ...
Hi! I have a problem with Spotify Premium. I just got Premium, which I
did using my computer. But it doesn't seem to work on my phone (it's an
Android). I've tried logging out from both units, shutting down the
program, restarting my phone.. Still do...
Hi! I have a problem with Spotify Premium. I just got Premium, which I did using my computer. But it doesn't seem to work on my phone (it's an Android). I've tried logging out from both units, shutti...
Hi. When I go to settings in Android app from my smartphone, sd-card
option to download offline files doesn't appears. The sd-card appears
well installed in my phone. Thanks to all.
Hi. When I go to settings in Android app from my smartphone, sd-card option to download offline files doesn't appears. The sd-card appears well installed in my phone. Thanks to all.
Hi there, When casting Spotify from my phone, there are some songs that
have very strange audio artifacts / blips present that are not present
when playing them elsewhere. I play the songs through my phone's
speakers, through a speaker system via an ...
Hi there, When casting Spotify from my phone, there are some songs that have very strange audio artifacts / blips present that are not present when playing them elsewhere. I play the songs t...
I have an android phone with the latest version of Spotify on it. When I
am in the lock screen and the Spotify widget shows, I cannot advance to
the next song or go back. Only the pause/play button works. Also, from
the home screen if i pull down the...
I have an android phone with the latest version of Spotify on it. When I am in the lock screen and the Spotify widget shows, I cannot advance to the next song or go back. Only the pause/play button w...
Buenas noches.Ya llevo varios dias con el problema, he intentado
absolutamente todo, reiniciar el equipo y la aplicacion.Reinstalar el
sistema operativo y el app nada ha funcionado.Esta instalado en un
huawei P9 android 6.0Agradezco su pronta colabor...
Buenas noches. Ya llevo varios dias con el problema, he intentado absolutamente todo, reiniciar el equipo y la aplicacion. Reinstalar el sistema operativo y el app nada ha funcionado. Esta in...
Hello,I have a free spotify account. I have spotify instaled on pc, and
recently I've downloaded it on my phone (elephone p8) android 7.0.When I
open the spotify on the phone, after a few minuts (maybe less) it just
stops playing, shuts down or just ...
Hello, I have a free spotify account. I have spotify instaled on pc, and recently I've downloaded it on my phone (elephone p8) android 7.0. When I open the spotify on the phone, after a few minuts ...