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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
Hey! Lately I been experimenting problems with my spotify app, and the
problem is that I don't have any button to chose where my downloaded
music goes as you can see in the picture, I have an micro Sd on my
cellphone and i want to save all the music ...
Hey! Lately I been experimenting problems with my spotify app, and the problem is that I don't have any button to chose where my downloaded music goes as you can see in the picture, I have an micro S...
Premium user: I don't want to listen to albums on shuffle. I often
forget to unclick shuffle. How do I change the default setting to NOT
shuffle my music every time I open soptify on my phone/computer. It's
driving me mad, where can I change this?
Premium user: I don't want to listen to albums on shuffle. I often forget to unclick shuffle. How do I change the default setting to NOT shuffle my music every time I open soptify on my phone/compute...
I recently bought a 7-inch Huawei mediapad t3 tablet. I downloaded the
app from the store, but it works like my device was a smartphone and not
a tablet. How can I solve the problem? Thank you
I recently bought a 7-inch Huawei mediapad t3 tablet. I downloaded the app from the store, but it works like my device was a smartphone and not a tablet. How can I solve the problem? Thank you
Hi, i have a motorola G3, i dont turn the phone off often only if it
starts playing up, but if i do i have to download offline playlists
again every time after switching it off, very annoying.should i have to
do this ?
Hi, i have a motorola G3, i dont turn the phone off often only if it starts playing up, but if i do i have to download offline playlists again every time after switching it off, very annoying. ...
Hi, Repeat one functionality disables itself after I change the song. It
works fine for one song, but does not persist for the next song. For
example, when I turn it on while listening to song X, song X keeps
repeating, which is fine. But then, if I ...
Hi, Repeat one functionality disables itself after I change the song. It works fine for one song, but does not persist for the next song. For example, when I turn it on while listening to so...
The Android phone is visible as a device from my desktop clients but the
desktop clients are not visible on the phone unless I start listening to
music on one of them. Then I can see the client and control it from the
phone. But I can't initiate play...
The Android phone is visible as a device from my desktop clients but the desktop clients are not visible on the phone unless I start listening to music on one of them. Then I can see the client ...
Boa noite pessoal.Tenho spotify premium family, e percebi que o app não
está mais armazenando no cartão SD como antes da atualização.Fui até
Biblioteca>Configurar e lá não aparece NENHUMA opção para trocar o
local do Armazenamento de playlists.Alguma...
Boa noite pessoal. Tenho spotify premium family, e percebi que o app não está mais armazenando no cartão SD como antes da atualização. Fui até Biblioteca>Configurar e lá não aparece NENHUMA ...
I recently upgraded my phone to a Samsung galaxy s8+ and ever since I
installed Spotify it shows as offline even when I have a WiFi
connection. I tried restarting my phone, deleting and reinstalling the
Spotify app and neither have worked. I also con...
I recently upgraded my phone to a Samsung galaxy s8+ and ever since I installed Spotify it shows as offline even when I have a WiFi connection. I tried restarting my phone, deleting and reinstalling ...
When I play a track on Spotify, within a second of playback, the volume
reduces from a clear, loud, crisp sound to a quieter, muffled, dull
sound. This happens on any track I select and it also happen when
playback occurs through my device speakers, ...
When I play a track on Spotify, within a second of playback, the volume reduces from a clear, loud, crisp sound to a quieter, muffled, dull sound. This happens on any track I select and it also happe...
I recently moved from premium to free. I loved the shuffle on
premium...but since I moved to free I've heard the same half a dozen
songs at least every time I shuffle in my main playlist. It's not
repeating everything, but I can guarantee that Peter ...
I recently moved from premium to free. I loved the shuffle on premium...but since I moved to free I've heard the same half a dozen songs at least every time I shuffle in my main playlist. It's not re...
I have the above-mentioned problem. The music is streamed to the car
audio via bluetooth. But, the track info does not display on the car
display screen. It will only work when I restart the phone every time. I
couldn't figure what caused the problem...
I have the above-mentioned problem. The music is streamed to the car audio via bluetooth. But, the track info does not display on the car display screen. It will only work when I restart the phone ev...
The icon for the play queue has disappeared from Spotify on my Motorola
Moto G4 Plus. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app, to no avail.
Can anyone suggest how I can restore the play queue icon?
The icon for the play queue has disappeared from Spotify on my Motorola Moto G4 Plus. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the app, to no avail. Can anyone suggest how I can restore the play queue icon?
I´m using the Android app of Spotify on my new phone Xperia XZ1.Since
the latest upgrade the app open and in one second it closesSpotify is
still running if I view all running apps. I have tried:- Delete data-
Clear cache - Uninstall app - Spotify is...
I´m using the Android app of Spotify on my new phone Xperia XZ1. Since the latest upgrade the app open and in one second it closes Spotify is still running if I view all running apps. ...
Months ago I stupidly enabled 'Scrobble to Last.FM'. I entered my
username and password for Last FM very carefully. It was accepted. two
days later I decided NOT to scrobble. I went to the Spotify page on my
phone (Android) and toggled OFF scrobbling...
Months ago I stupidly enabled 'Scrobble to Last.FM'. I entered my username and password for Last FM very carefully. It was accepted. two days later I decided NOT to scrobble. I went to the Spotify pa...
Perhaps this has been posted somewhere, but I keep running into click
ads on the Free Android app. Super annoying because music stops and
forces me to click to a website. I'm fine with the radio ads, that don't
force stoppage. I've tried full reinsta...
Perhaps this has been posted somewhere, but I keep running into click ads on the Free Android app. Super annoying because music stops and forces me to click to a website. I'm fine with the radio ads,...
So I've been using the app fine, up until I was trying to follow a
friend. She mentioned the ability to follow other users and there was no
option on the app for that. A friend that has a different Android phone
showed me what the Spotify app looked ...
So I've been using the app fine, up until I was trying to follow a friend. She mentioned the ability to follow other users and there was no option on the app for that. A friend that has a different A...
I have a couple of playlists that I have downloaded all the songs, about
1700 songs in total. I am often out of coverage, so need these
downloads. Today when I went into the downloaded playlist, the songs
were in the playlist however instead of havin...
I have a couple of playlists that I have downloaded all the songs, about 1700 songs in total. I am often out of coverage, so need these downloads. Today when I went into the downloaded playl...
Hace tres días que cuando intento abrir spotify se me cierra
inesperadamente a los 2 segundos desde mi s5 y no lo puedo usar. Tengo
el servicio pago y no me esta sirviendo... ya intente desinstalaandolo y
volviéndolo a instalar...reiniciando el celul...
Hace tres días que cuando intento abrir spotify se me cierra inesperadamente a los 2 segundos desde mi s5 y no lo puedo usar. Tengo el servicio pago y no me esta sirviendo... ya intente desinstalaand...