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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
App does not want to get me logged to accountUsername and Password are
correct Reseted the password - no changereinstalled the app - no
changeweb login - works
App does not want to get me logged to account Username and Password are correct Reseted the password - no change reinstalled the app - no change web login - works
Every time after my device reboots, Spotify changes offline storage from
sd card storage to device storage. Spotify then begins downloading all
of the saved music to the device storage. Changing the storage location
does not stop the download to devi...
Every time after my device reboots, Spotify changes offline storage from sd card storage to device storage. Spotify then begins downloading all of the saved music to the device storage. Changing the ...
I guess I run into a bug. Can you verify or possibly offer a solution?
Pre-requisites:1- Android Encrypted SD Card Steps:1- Open App2- Select
SD Card as Storage3- Download a playlist4- Restart the device
Expected:Storage stays as SD Card Result:Stora...
I guess I run into a bug. Can you verify or possibly offer a solution? Pre-requisites: 1- Android Encrypted SD Card Steps: 1- Open App 2- Select SD Card as Storage 3- Download a...
I have a Spotify premium account, and I often download whole music
albums for offline listening when I'm driving. Recently, after the whole
album I've downloaded has finished playing, recommended songs will start
automatically playing that I haven't ...
I have a Spotify premium account, and I often download whole music albums for offline listening when I'm driving. Recently, after the whole album I've downloaded has finished playing, recommende...
Sooo i've had spotify premium for about a year and a half or so, and i
just now connected to try and get a full listening history, and it only
showed what i had "scrobbled" from 2014 when i originally joined last.fm
and what i had listened to after i...
Sooo i've had spotify premium for about a year and a half or so, and i just now connected to try and get a full listening history, and it only showed what i had "scrobbled" from 2014 when i originall...
Es scheint der Online gehen Button ist ohne wirkliche Funktion!
Tausendmal drauf gedrückt nichts passiert Spotify bleibt offline. Das
macht eine rasche Suche selbst im WLAN unmöglich! Für 10euro im Monat
kann man eine einwandfreie Funktion der App er...
Es scheint der Online gehen Button ist ohne wirkliche Funktion! Tausendmal drauf gedrückt nichts passiert Spotify bleibt offline. Das macht eine rasche Suche selbst im WLAN unmöglich! Für 10euro im M...
hello, we have a premium for family account and we wanted to add someone
to your site do not know because I get white pictures and have tried
everything now?
hello, we have a premium for family account and we wanted to add someone to your site do not know because I get white pictures and have tried everything now?
Why must I start playback on the phone before I can then select the
preferred playback device? In this case an Arcam SR250. So the choices
are to faff about playing something you don't want to listen to, select
the correct playback device & then go f...
Why must I start playback on the phone before I can then select the preferred playback device? In this case an Arcam SR250. So the choices are to faff about playing something you don't want ...
It's been multiple weeks of this issue. For whatever season, my Spotify
app on Android keeps downloading Enima's newest album. It's not on my
phone or computer. I've never even heard of the dude, but it keeps
trying to download it over and over.
It's been multiple weeks of this issue. For whatever season, my Spotify app on Android keeps downloading Enima's newest album. It's not on my phone or computer. I've never even heard of the dude, but...
Hi everyoneSometimes the app just crash and I don't know why so the
music stop. This problem comes from Spotify because when I use others
app it works fine. I already try to use the button "delete everything
except the app" but nothing the bug is sti...
Hi everyone Sometimes the app just crash and I don't know why so the music stop. This problem comes from Spotify because when I use others app it works fine. I already try to use the button "delete ...
I want to download playlists and albums to listen offline during my
vacation. I am downloading to a 16GB SD card. Every download is fine, I
see a green symbol in the playlist or album. After I stop Spotify and
start again, it appears that most downlo...
I want to download playlists and albums to listen offline during my vacation. I am downloading to a 16GB SD card. Every download is fine, I see a green symbol in the playlist or album. After I stop S...
Hi!I experience very unpleasent sounds (crackling/buzing type) - they
tend to occur especially during slower and 'clearer' music (piano, soft
rock) every 10-30 seconds. The device is Moto G3 and the Spotify tends
to be the only app causing the proble...
Hi! I experience very unpleasent sounds (crackling/buzing type) - they tend to occur especially during slower and 'clearer' music (piano, soft rock) every 10-30 seconds. The device is Moto G3 and th...
Hi, I have an Samsung Galaxie S3 and I am a Spotify premium user.
Everytime i travel abroad (i travel a lot for my work) I can't use
Spotify on any Wifi. One of the only reason I am paying for Premium is
the be able to use Spotify when i travel and I...
Hi, I have an Samsung Galaxie S3 and I am a Spotify premium user. Everytime i travel abroad (i travel a lot for my work) I can't use Spotify on any Wifi. One of the only reason I am paying f...
App opens fine, runs fine, select the song and it plays fine, BUT there
is no output of sound what so ever. Anyone else experiencing this issue?
I've looked all over the web and it seems to be a common issue with no
real answer on how to fix it. I've...
App opens fine, runs fine, select the song and it plays fine, BUT there is no output of sound what so ever. Anyone else experiencing this issue? I've looked all over the web and it seems to be a comm...
Can any one help. All of a sudden everytime i try open spotify on my
Samsung s8 it just says spotify not responding. Ive deleted and re
downloaded ap, restarted phone. Didnt work
Can any one help. All of a sudden everytime i try open spotify on my Samsung s8 it just says spotify not responding. Ive deleted and re downloaded ap, restarted phone. Didnt work
I'm trying to connect my phone to my car. Tracks "Play" within the app,
bluetooth is connected, but no sound actually comes out of the speakers.
Using a Pioneer headset, Nexus 6P initially. But I've also tried this
with my new car and a new phone, Pi...
I'm trying to connect my phone to my car. Tracks "Play" within the app, bluetooth is connected, but no sound actually comes out of the speakers. Using a Pioneer headset, Nexus 6P initially. ...
I am having trouble logging in my Spotify account using Facebook. I been
with Spotify for 2yrs and that means of 2yrs of playlist that I love and
paying Preminum. So if I cant get my old account restored than I will
cancel. So can you please help me ...
I am having trouble logging in my Spotify account using Facebook. I been with Spotify for 2yrs and that means of 2yrs of playlist that I love and paying Preminum. So if I cant get my old account rest...
Hi,I have just bought a Denon avr x2000 amp/receiver and attempted to
use my android Nexus4 phone to context via the Spotify app. The problem
is no matter what I do it won't find the receiver as a recognised
device. If I use the Denon Remote App I ca...
Hi, I have just bought a Denon avr x2000 amp/receiver and attempted to use my android Nexus4 phone to context via the Spotify app. The problem is no matter what I do it won't find the receiver as ...