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queue disappears after exiting spotify, queue doesn't let you use skip button

queue disappears after exiting spotify, queue doesn't let you use skip button

Digging the service but the app is horrible.  😕

7 Replies

Could you be a bit more specific / clarify.

Exiting Spotify = Logging Off? Queue and Skip button?

I only see Next button and Back button. If I start playing a playlist with loads of songs, songs are placed in the queue, If I don't want to listen to a song -> I just hit "next" or swipe with my finger and it goes to the next song.

So a little bit of clarificatioin would be great on what do you mean by the issues you are facing.

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You need to get to the full screen now playing view to get the buttons and actions mentioned by neo above. When you start playing and the song bar appears at the bottom, tap it to open the full screen view.

The queue disappearing is an issue though
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

I'm not sure what's causing your queue to disappear. But i've noticed it vanishes after clearing Spotify from my recent apps in 4.2. Very annoying that it forgets what it was playing.

I too have an issue of a disappearing play queue. I've only just started using Spotify, both the web interface and the Android app, and twice I have lost the play queue on my Galaxy Nexus. This occurs after I stop the music and exit the app. I am playing music out of a large playlist.


Is there an official bug reporting mechanism, or is this it?

You could use the online contact form if you want an official response but losing the play queue and position in it on exiting spotify seems reasonable to me and I doubt that would be considered a bug. Why do you exit spotify rather than letting android manage your apps - it's pretty good at that.

Sorry, I misspoke. Here is exactly what I did:


I was listening to Spotify while driving. To stop the music from playing, I simply removed my phone from the headphone jack (old car, no bluetooth). Then while waiting for a ride, I navigated to home, and then to Google+.


When next I returned to Spotify, the one song that I had been listening to was there, paused. Clicking on the horizontal bars which brings up the queue, showed only that one song. Also, oddly, the main song display screen did not have the green bar showing song playing progress. Well, the bar was there, but instead of green with a small circle at the point in the song, it was just grey up to the point that it had played, and had no circle there.


After going to playlists, finding the playlist I was listening to, and finding the song I had been listening to, the main song display screen returned to normal, and the queue was restored.


It would be nice to just remember where it is at in a playlist at all times, but I can accept that as a feature request.


The bug, in my opinion, is losing the queue when I did not close, terminate, or kill the app.

Ah right. This has come up before a couple of times recently (unlike the old posts in this thread). This certainly isn't the intended behaviour so is definitely a bug although a pretty rare one. I recommend following the steps in this troubleshooting guide then posting the information requested in the template if it doesn't solve your problem.

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