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Backstage Intro
Meet the Stars

Backstage Intro - Meet Susana!


Hey folks,

It's time for a new Backstage Intro 🎉🎉
Some of you have already seen her in the meets - she is the loveliest new addition to the Stars constellation and has agreed to answer a few questions for us! Say hello to Susana! 😄


Hello there Susana! 


I'm Vasko, a moderator from the Community team 🙂


If you're up for it, I've been tasked with a very special project this month, namely the Backstage Intro blog in honor of.. well.. YOU! 😎🎉🎉


I heard you wanted in on the fun so, in case you'd still like to have a Backstage Intro, I'd love to make one for you. Just let me know if you're up for it and I'll send some questions your way!


Hey hey, I'm interested! 
Feel free to send the q's ~~


In this case:

1. Welcome to the team! Would you mind telling us who Susana is in a couple of words/sentences? What drives you in this world?

I am a very passionate person, I think that's the word that best describes me.

What drives me - I will say beauty, love and kindness. Everyone deserves to live a great life in a world & a community that feels like home. Building that community and improving it is what gets me up from bed every morning.

2. When did you start using Spotify and what's your favorite thing about the service?

I think I started using Spotify around 2016 or earlier. What I love about it is that you can personalize and share each of your playlists as much as you want!

3. What type of music are you into? Would you mind sharing your top artists/bands (or their albums) with us? 😄

I'm into house, jazz, soul, indie and rock. I love Sticky Fingers, The Backseat Lovers and Miley Cyrus. I am currently obsessed with the song Starlight by Muse.

4. Do you have any pets or hobbies? What do you do outside of the music world?

I love dancing Flamenco and making my clothes. I like spending time watching movies, reading, trying new cocktails with my friends and making arts and crafts.

5. What's one thing that can instantly make your day a 10/10?

The things that instantly make my day a 10/10 are drinking a good latte, hiking, discovering a great new song and talking to a friend.

6. How about a 2/10? Asking for any less would be a crime but I do think two is fine 😄


Nothing ruins my day, I try to feel what I need to feel and think about ways to solve the problem or make the situation better so that I can act and continue with my day.

An absolutely lovely response; thank you.
Now, for us to get to know you even better - jumping onto 7:
What is your favorite dish? Describe it for us!

My favourite food is Caesar salad! I love it when it is prepared with big and fresh pieces of lettuce, chicken, garlic-y croutons, A LOT of parmesan and the Caesar salad dressing made of anchovy, lemon and mustard.

And I'm hungry now 😄 But moving onto 8:
Name a movie/ series you could watch every day!

I love to watch Chicago Med, This Is Us, Fleabag, The Bold Type and Dr. House. I can't stop recommending them to everyone I meet!

9. If you suddenly had mountains of gold, what’s the first thing you would buy?

The first thing I would buy is a house by a nice lake and forest. 

10. Of all the items that you own, which one do you treasure most and why?

The most precious thing I own is the journal that I made with my bf, it keeps a lot of our memories together.

Absolutely lovely answers. Thank you for letting us into your world - it sounds amazing!

Just one question before we let you go on your way - 
Theoretical Zombie Apocalypse! Pick three famous people you want on your team and tell us why! 😁😄

Mhhhh I think I would choose Bo Burnham, I think he would have some very funny jokes to lighten the moment. I would also choose Roberto Canessa, for his intelligence and his survival instincts.
And last but not least, I would choose Carmen Mario Machado. She is badass and she would know what to do.

Wow I wouldn't want to be a zombie facing your team. Forget about even being a zombie, I wouldn't want to stand against that team at all 😄
Thank you, Susana, for making this Backstage Intro happen and for deciding to join our Stars Program. We hope you like it here.

Have a blessed day!


Thanks for sticking around, folks!
Stay tuned for more upcoming Backstage Intros and, in the meantime, if you're a Star wanting an introduction, feel free to reach out to one of the Mods to let us know.

We'd love to find out a bit more about you all 😁


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