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Uptownship by High Masakela

Uptownship by High Masakela

Hello, Please could Spotify upload Uptownship, the 1989 recording by South African musician Hugh Masakela
3 Replies

Unfortunately, @clarity01, this isn't a simple matter of uploading the personnal copy of some artist's album. For Spotify to offer an album, there has to be a signed deal between the artist, the label or the distributor and Spotify. The final word of what is available really has to do with those rather than with Spotify.


Your best bet would be to lobby the artist or the label so that they sign a deal with Spotify to make available what you're looking for.


I hope this was helpful.

Thank you for taking the time to reply. How do I contact Spotify; I emailed
but it bounced back

Glad to get in touch, @clarity01. The easiest way to contact Spotify would be the contact form:


Most topics are covered and they get back to you pretty fast.


I hope you have a fantastic day filled with music!

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