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A conversation is where it all starts.
Messaging is 100% FREE! Singles have more conversations on POF than any other dating app. With us, you’re 2.7x more likely to enter a conversation in your first 24 hours! Join now, and we’ll get you talking to someone before you know it.
We also have the most FREE features to help you start dating! You might know someone who's in a relationship/dating because of a match they found on POF. It's your turn!
- Use our advanced matching algorithm for FREE
- View your matches for FREE! Sort by last online, newest users and more!
- Most importantly, send and receive unlimited messages for FREE
+ More features than we have room to tell you about!
POF is the preferred singles dating app because you can view matches AND communicate with them for FREE (unlike the paid dating apps). Unlike smaller dating apps, POF has the most users and thus, the highest chance for you to find your relationship!
The POF Dating App has the most users, generates the best results and is FREE. Tap Install and Join Now!
Happy Fishing!
* is a part of the Match Group, which also owns Tinder,, OKCupid, Twoo, Meetic, and OurTime.
1,081,394 total
5 589,654
4 258,975
3 139,091
2 28,456
1 65,218
Caitlynn Ziegel
Love the free communication. However meet me always shows people that are really far from me, like different states. I wish I could alter who would show up in meet. I think it is the best way to go through profiles but not interested in someone that is 150 miles away personally and I think I should get to personalize this. Otherwise not many complaints.
Nathan Wheeler
If you like porn bots, lots and lots of porn bots, super ghetto hoes showing a very close up of their a-hole, and if you like your account getting delete because you report said activity on the site... then you have found your dream app!!! Any rating other than a 1 star is a paid rating. They hire people to flood this so people will think its good. It truly must be making money off these prn sites and allowing all these bots on there. Its literally 2 out of every 3 profiles is fake.
It's an overall great app to pass the time, interface is simple, and it's 100% free. It's just a bit challenging meeting people on here, and there's a handful of fake profiles on here which aren't hard to spot at all. Luckily for me, I met my match on here after a long time of waiting, so I do thank pof for that. If you give it time and patience, I guarantee you'll find your match too.
Antoinette Clinkscale
It's okay...I think it would be better if the people u swipe left and right are more in ur area. Just saying. Also for some reason my messages says 1 new message constantly even though it's no message. Ifk where to go to see if it can be fixed.