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How do I dislike songs/artists so they don't come up in play lists

How do I dislike songs/artists so they don't come up in play lists

I have a very clear 'like' button next to the song.  How do I dislike a song or an artist?  I don't mind it coming up once on the rotation, but why should I keep on having to listen to something that I dislike?  I guess I could always create my own playlists, but this takes a lot away from the platform.  I like discovering new music, but America's Top 50 and other playlists have a lot of music that I don't particularly enjoy, and don't care to hear again.


I swear there used to be a 'dislike' option in the user interface.


56 Replies

Hey @ftingdal!


Thank you for your post. We're happy to help you with information about this.


You should be able to use our local hide function that is available on mobile. You need to go to the three dots menu on a song in a playlist and choose Hide this song.


You can also go to an artist's page and choose Don't play this form the three dot menu..


On desktop you have the options to hide songs in some of the Made for you playlists and the endless radio stations.


If you think your suggestion to have the option to hide songs on desktop will appeal to other users you can always create an idea on the relevant idea board. We always take new ideas and feedback into consideration to improve the app.


If you have any questions we're always one reply away.



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This is one of the most annoying features of Spotify.  I'm ok with it proposing new and different stuff - that's half the reason I use it -  but I am never indifferent to music, and when I don't want to hear something, I REALLY don't want ot hear it, and usually never again.  So where is the mini-nuke opation on songs ? 


My personal theory on the question is that it is a very dangerous statistic to have on hand, and that is from a commercial and PR standpoint.  You'd think it'd be easy to hide such a statastic, but if they offered the button, people would want to know, and at some point it would probably get accessed.  


Then, just imagine the viral buzz that would go on for must disliked songs.   Wouldn't that be fun ? But let's be fair, it could decimate an artists' career, or an album's promotion, and in many cases wrongly, as it's up to the algorythm to propose songs to people, and if a song or artist is mis-categorized or simply too off the beaten path, it might get doused before it has a chance to find its audience.  


The platform is good at displaying statistics for likes, and positive popularity is an easy sell, even if there are winners and losers.  But let's face it, that's what the site is about when it comes to its contractual relations with artists and labels : promotion.  That is behind the scenes, but probably as important as keeping the music consumer happy.  


Still, I do wish they would devise a secured way of making this option as available as the "like" button, and in all play modes, skins, interfaces, or whatever.   Regardless of all the reasoning mentioned above, I still vote for the availability of the mini-nuke option.  



Just joined spotify to check it out, now I already hate it. I'll probably finish the 3 months free, but if I can't find simple direct ways to control what I hear, bye. It's 2022! No excuses, this smells deliberate, just can't figure out why. Why? I mean, WHY?

Try clicking on an artist and Ann album. If u want, u can listen to only
that album. That's a pretty good start.

Also, the more titles you "like", the better must you can start curating
and while it can make very annoying suggestions, you can often (but not in
all circumstances, unfortunately), "dislike" or "hide" a title, although
they don't make this very easy much of the time (my one major complaint)

Not sure what you use instead for music, but the more you tell it what you
like the better it gets, I promise

this is really an important question on this very theme for the moderator please:


most days I just listen to the six-suite Daily Mix options.  for quite some time now I have been diligently flagging favorites (green heart) as well as my strong dislikes (red negative circle).  however I am simply appalled that as a paying subscriber these are NOT blocked but instead just keep coming back – over and over and over and over again ad nauseum without even the slightest reduction in frequency – often frustrating me to the point of distraction or turning it off altogether.  I did read somewhere that doing this will not actually delete these awful tracks from new repeating Daily Mix playlists... but I simply cannot find anything else to ensure it.


So I'm sure you can imagine my burning question: IS there a way that I can actually even PAY EXTRA to have these blocked PERMANENTLY so they'll NEVER play again in my Daily Mix no matter what?  It is just so unbelievably annoying... and by the way NOT how it works in Pandora where a thumbs down actually blocks it for good!


Thank you for your expert help,



most days I just listen to the six-suite Daily Mix options.  for quite some time now I have been diligently flagging favorites (green heart) as well as my strong dislikes (red negative circle).  however I am simply appalled that as a paying subscriber these are NOT blocked but instead just keep coming back – over and over and over and over again ad nauseum without even the slightest reduction in frequency – often frustrating me to the point of distraction or turning it off altogether.  I did read somewhere that doing this will not actually delete these awful tracks from new repeating Daily Mix playlists... but I simply cannot find anything else to ensure it.


So I'm sure you can imagine my burning question: IS there a way that I can actually even PAY EXTRA to have these blocked PERMANENTLY so they'll NEVER play again in my Daily Mix no matter what?  It is just so unbelievably annoying... and by the way NOT how it works in Pandora where a thumbs down actually blocks it for good!


Thank you for your expert help,



... and btw, there is only the exact same result with either "hide this song" or "remove from queue" options. it simply makes no difference, as they all only keep coming up again in subsequent Daily Mix playlists! 😫

... also btw, each time the disliked tracks reappear, they show clearly with the negative red circle already designated anyway!


is anybody listening here??

when i ask for my genre to be played, I get a list of 4 songs,

1st holiday

2st holiday

3st holiday

end of holiday


and it's the same songs that loop over and over again. how do i get these off completely? there is no dislike, and no remove option. i don't even have them liked, but i'm stuck in this loop all the time. very annoying


well clearly we've lost the moderator for this thread... and no one with any answers is even listening.  how disappointing.


can anyone please suggest another forum in spotify to address this issue?  I cannot find anything. 😔

They don't give an option to dislike, so just report the song with some random bs and maybe they'll get the hint thanks to us wasting their time in the same way they waste ours.

yes they do. please read my two posts above.... that's not the issue. I'm referring to when they can be flagged with the red ninus circle. the problem is they CONTINUE TO PLAY over and over again anyway in whatever Daily Mix playlists they appear – DESPITE actually showing flagged with the same red minus circle! AGAIN: does anyone know if there's a way to PAY MORE somehow for these to really STOP?? thank you!

it does not make sense that can only "dislike" songs in "mix der woche" and on mobile. what is your motivation/reasoning behind that?

I came here for this exact same issue. I am to the point of rage. When I do not like a song, it has to go. I hate that the hide feature does nothing and bc it does nothing, the song will play and then keep playing over and over. I don’t understand how you can’t have a specific song not play, but have to not play the artist. So, If you don’t like one song… full ban the whole artist. What? This makes no sense. 

It would be an extremely useful button, which I would call the NPTFSA
button, and even more fun if we could look at the glovbal stats for top
songs receiving this distinction

what is "NPTFSA"?

**bleep** tell me about it Amanda!  "Rage" is exactly the right word alright... especially in the face of the useless response from this forgotten forum's "Moderator" Elena who has not weighed in even once since her incorrect 'Stock-Spotify' post of over 2 years ago who instead just remains asleep at the wheel. 🙄  Can we possibly get another moderator here please?


Truth is that amid my repeated comments here and elsewhere about only this exasperating issue in several of Spotify's community forums having ALL gone ignored for a full 9 months now.... I've long ago given up on this inexcusable failing with – yes indeed – just having to ban the entire artist altogether out of sheer frustration to avoid the same irritating song over and over and over again in successive daily playlists.  it is just crazy – and btw NOT the way it works in superior Pandora, where when you "Dislike" a song it NEVER plays again – plain and simple!

no, they do NOT give the option to dislike. do you use the android, iOS or windows version? ... or in a browser?

actually, yes they do – useless as it is however. 🤨  depending on whether it is a "Daily Mix" or other kinds of playlists... it is usually right there to the right of the ">|" track skip icon as a negative "minus" sign inside a red circle when selected, opposite the "check" symbol inside a green circle when liking.  but again – it is absolutely NOT remembered for any future occurrences.

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