Guys, your support on the Windows Phone platform is rubbish! I do not just mean the application - these forums are littered with posts about WPx issues and I am yet to see a Spotify rep respond to ANY OF THEM!
I use WP8 however this thread for WP7.5, from 2012, is still very much valid!
I have had to force myself to stop using Spotify in my car - there's just too many issues to drive safely whilst doing something as trivial as selecting a new song!
I've found ways around most of the bugs... Restart your phone and open spotify again, rince and repeat every 2 or so playlist changes.
I find it ironic that Spotify, an innovative company which is largely disrupting the music industry does not grasp the TIME PROVEN FACT that people do not care how their music is provided to them as long as they get it in the most convenient fashion! It's how you got popular in the first place... I have 0 brand affinity for your software/company, I feel 0 loyalty, all I care about are your stream servers and being able to access them reasonably for the $9.99 or whatever that I pay each month to listen to the ARTISTS THAT I LOVE. Any disruptions to this and I would be willing to switch to something else...
I understand WP has ~3% market share atm and isn't the money maker target. However y'all should understand that if I have to switch and thus port all my playlist to a new provider, and then if by the powers that be WP gets more popular, and then if you decided to finally fix things as a result of this - I won't be coming back regardless. I'm guessing most WP users will feel this way, switching providers will be a pain in the backside.
I think you guys are underestimating MS, many companies have done this in the past - most people don't remember any of them... Consider a working WP client a hedge for the future, its good business practice even if WP market share never increases. These issues have been lingering for too long. You will probably have lost me as a customer by the time (and if) you ever fix these... I hope at least that someone from the company acknowledges these issues and provides some sort of timeline for fixing them. Limbo ain't working for me and it's getting worse by the day!