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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Dear community,As of yesterday I was suddenly logged out of all my apps
and devices. I live in the Netherlands, but I am currently in Norway. I
received an error stating that I extended my use of Spotify in a
different country and should change my se...
Dear community, As of yesterday I was suddenly logged out of all my apps and devices. I live in the Netherlands, but I am currently in Norway. I received an error stating that I extended my use of...
I listen to a lot of podcasts, but had taken a break before listening
again yesterday. While listening, I saw on the Spotify lock screen Music
Player that the podcast was being interrupted by 30-60 second
commercials from StateFarm, etc. I recognize ...
...emoving ads from mobile listening is a significant reason why I pay for Spotify Premium (Premium Family), which makes this either seem like a glitch - or a sneaky new policy. Device: Samsung S...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryUnited StatesDeviceiPodOperating SystemiOS 10
My Question or IssueWhen I share a playlist that contains only podcasts
with my child's Spotify Kids account, none of the podcast episodes show
up on my child's Spotify Kids app. ...
Plan Premium Family Country United States Device iPod Operating System iOS 10 My Question or Issue When I share a playlist that contains only podcasts with my child's Spotify Kids a...
PlanFamily PremiumCountryUSA My Question or IssueFamily mix wont pop up
on my family account page and I I'm the owner of the plan I had the plan
for around 3 weeks.
Plan Family Premium Country USA My Question or Issue Family mix wont pop up on my family account page and I I'm the owner of the plan I had the plan for around 3 weeks.
Hi. Today switched from my 3 month Duo subscription to a 3 month Family
subscription and paid for the same. However, my account still shows I'm
using Duo. I read on the website that you could switch between plans.
I've got the receipts. Also, will I ...
Hi. Today switched from my 3 month Duo subscription to a 3 month Family subscription and paid for the same. However, my account still shows I'm using Duo. I read on the website that you could s...
Hey Everyone!My question is about leaving a Premium Family plan.I am
currently a member of a Family group, but I would like to leave it, and
make my profile simply Premium (individually).However I am not the
administrator of the Family, and I can't c...
Hey Everyone! My question is about leaving a Premium Family plan. I am currently a member of a Family group, but I would like to leave it, and make my profile simply Premium (individually). H...
PlanFamily CountryItalySamsung Galaxy 20Operating System(iOS 10, Android
Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or IssueIs it possible to pass a
playlist from an account of one of my family members to mine? Or is it
possible to choose who can collaborate...
Plan Family Country Italy Samsung Galaxy 20 Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue Is it possible to pass a playlist from an a...
I currently have a personal (not family) Spotify Premium account.I also
have a Google Home, which is connected to my Spotify account.I love the
recommendations Spotify gives me. My family all play music on the Google
Home (via voice commands). Howeve...
I currently have a personal (not family) Spotify Premium account. I also have a Google Home, which is connected to my Spotify account. I love the recommendations Spotify gives me. My family...
Hi! Just last night I was removed off a Spotify family plan I joined
around April 2021. For personal reasons, I cant join it back and am
looking for a new plan. Fortunately my friend had a spot in her family
plan and upon accepting the invite via the...
Hi! Just last night I was removed off a Spotify family plan I joined around April 2021. For personal reasons, I cant join it back and am looking for a new plan. Fortunately my friend had a spot in h...
My Question or IssueI currently have family plan and would like to
cancel Spotify but my daughter would like to keep Spotify since she has
so many playlists she uses for work. I would like to cancel and allow
her to set up her own account in a way th...
My Question or Issue I currently have family plan and would like to cancel Spotify but my daughter would like to keep Spotify since she has so many playlists she uses for work. I would like t...
I created a family premium account a couple of months back, I was able
to add my parents onto the plan without any issues, (they have never had
spotify before), however I have been unable to add my brother, every
time we have tried it gives an error ...
I created a family premium account a couple of months back, I was able to add my parents onto the plan without any issues, (they have never had spotify before), however I have been unable to add my b...
PlanPremium Family My Question or IssueMy sister created a premium
family and I'm alreadyialready in it. But I'll be travelling outside the
country for a few months. Will I still be able to access spotify? Will
there be no issue with the other member...
Plan Premium Family My Question or Issue My sister created a premium family and I'm alreadyialready in it. But I'll be travelling outside the country for a few months. Will I still be a...
Hi, So, I'm currently on the Philippines and I subscribed for Spotify
Family so I'm the Plan Manager. But I'm soon going to Australia for 6
months, will I still be able to access my spotify account? How about the
payment? My credit card is on the Phi...
Hi, So, I'm currently on the Philippines and I subscribed for Spotify Family so I'm the Plan Manager. But I'm soon going to Australia for 6 months, will I still be able to access my s...
PlanPremium FamilyPhilippines My Question or IssueWhat if the plan
manager cancels the plan, will the members be restricted for 12 months
before joining another one?
Plan Premium Family Philippines My Question or Issue What if the plan manager cancels the plan, will the members be restricted for 12 months before joining another one?
ola, Estou tentando adicionar meu irmão novamente ao meu plano, porem
após ele fazer as etapas necessárias, aparece a mensagem dizendo, ´´So
~e possível entrar no plano premium de outra pessoa uma vez a cada 12
meses.'' Como posso resolver ? PlanFree...
ola, Estou tentando adicionar meu irmão novamente ao meu plano, porem após ele fazer as etapas necessárias, aparece a mensagem dizendo, ´´So ~e possível entrar no plano premium de outr...
Olá, sou assinante do plano familiar há 01 ano, e esta semana todos os
meus familiares, no qual residem no mesmo endereço que eu, foram
exluídos, e ao adicionar sempre da erro dizendo que o endereço não é
compatível, vi alguns relatos, porém todos pe...
Olá, sou assinante do plano familiar há 01 ano, e esta semana todos os meus familiares, no qual residem no mesmo endereço que eu, foram exluídos, e ao adicionar sempre da erro dizendo que o endereço ...
Hi,one of my family members cannot confirm the address because they
received an email without a link to confirm the address. What can be
done in this situation? He checked the e-mail on various
Hi, one of my family members cannot confirm the address because they received an email without a link to confirm the address. What can be done in this situation? He checked the e-mail on various d...
PlanPremiumCountryColombia I had family premium but the last payment
couldn't get made so I make a new payment and in the attempt to add my
family again they couldn't because it says a person can only change
plans once a year, but its se same plan, C...
Plan Premium Country Colombia I had family premium but the last payment couldn't get made so I make a new payment and in the attempt to add my family again they couldn't because i...