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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueIm not the plan manager of our family account but want
to delete it. Our plan manager cant ac...
...ot the plan manager of our family account but want to delete it. Our plan manager cant access his account anymore (old email adress). How do we stop the payment?
Plan: Family PremiumCountry: United StatesDevice: Phone and
ComputerOperating System: Android and WindowsMy Question or Issue:I have
had the family premium for years and my wife and I both listen, using my
profile, so when one of us listening and the...
Plan: Family Premium Country: United States Device: Phone and Computer Operating System: Android and Windows My Question or Issue: I have had the family premium for years and my wife and I b...
Plan: PremiumCountry: United Kingdom. Device(iPhones 11, 8 & 7") My
Question or IssueHi community, I've had a Spotify Premium account for
years, created when I used to live in the UK, but now I live in France.
I just created a Family Premium account ...
...o live in the UK, but now I live in France. I just created a Family Premium account so I can add my kids and wife (all 5 of us living at the same address) but when it came to the address v...
PlanPremiumCountryIndiaDeviceHP PAVILION DKOperating SystemWindows 10 My
Question or IssueSo I had a premium duo plan going and wanted to upgrade
to premium family but spotify didn't let me. so I cancelled my current
plan which was gonna expire after...
Plan Premium Country India Device HP PAVILION DK Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue So I had a premium duo plan going and wanted to upgrade to premium family b...
Plan Family Country canada Device (iPhone SE Operating System (iOS 10,
Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I have changed to
the family premium subscription with one member registered. In
september... However, still only one user is a...
Hi, I just upgraded from a Spotify Premium to a Premium Family account
so my daughter's music and audio books can run through the Spotify Kids
app. My Spotify account is tied to my Facebook account, so I've tried
logging into Spotify Kids through the...
Hi, I just upgraded from a Spotify Premium to a Premium Family account so my daughter's music and audio books can run through the Spotify Kids app. My Spotify account is tied to my F...
PlanFamily PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueI recently got Spotify Family and I started getting
emails that I have cancelled the Spotif...
Plan Family Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue I r...
PlanPremium FamilyPortugal Device(Honor 6x)Operating System(Android) My
Question or IssueCan I pay the Premium Family account with a gift
card?Is it possible to change the method of payment from Pay Pal to a
Gift Card?Looking forward to hear from you...
Plan Premium Family Portugal Device (Honor 6x) Operating System (Android) My Question or Issue Can I pay the Premium Family account with a gift card? Is it possible to c...
PlanPremiumCountryAustraliaDeviceGoogle Home DevicesOperating SystemN/A
My Question or IssueFor the last year or so I consistently get errors
when trying to play Spotify via Google Home devices (3 x nest mini, 1x
nest hub, 1x nest hub max) and I've h...
Plan Premium Country Australia Device Google Home Devices Operating System N/A My Question or Issue For the last year or so I consistently get errors when trying to play Spotify via ...
PlanFreeCountryUnited KingdomDeviceOnePlus 6T & Lenovo Thinkpad
T480sOperating SystemAndroid 9 & Ubuntu 20.04My Question or IssueI have
the explicit filter enabled on my account, I cannot disable it as it
says underneath 'Explicit content can't be pl...
...ccount, I cannot disable it as it says underneath 'Explicit content can't be played on this family account' I am on a free account, not a family premium.
if I delete someone from my family can I immediately replace them with a
new family member? I read that if I send a join link, it will remove a
current member but does it randomly choose a member, or do I select? I
hope that all makes sense, thank yo...
if I delete someone from my family can I immediately replace them with a new family member? I read that if I send a join link, it will remove a current member but does it r...
PlanPremiumCountryHong KongDevicePCOperating SystemWindows 10 My
Question or IssueJust upgraded from Premium to Premium Family. Performed
the upgrade on a PC running latest version of Win 10 and Google Chrome.
As I was trying to add member at the Spo...
Plan Premium Country Hong Kong Device PC Operating System Windows 10 My Question or Issue Just upgraded from Premium to Premium Family. Performed the upgrade on a P...
PlanPremium (family)CountryThe Netherlands Device(Samsung a8 (2018),
Dell G3)Operating System(Android Oreo, Windows 10) My Question or
IssueMy sister and I have signed up for a Premium-family subscription,
but she has used a very specific address for...
Plan Premium (family) Country The Netherlands Device (Samsung a8 (2018), Dell G3) Operating System (Android Oreo, Windows 10) My Question or Issue My sister and I have s...
PlanPremium/ FamilyCountryLuxembourg / Germany My Question or Issuehello
community,my girlfriend moved from germany to luxembourg last year to
live with me here in luxembourg. She has premium in germany and I have
premium in luxembourg. Now I have bo...
Plan Premium/ Family Country Luxembourg / Germany My Question or Issue hello community, my girlfriend moved from germany to luxembourg last year to live with me here in l...
Plan: Premium FamilyCountry: USADevice: Any I've enabled the explicit
content filter on several of my kids' accounts (part of our family
plan). However, this filter seemingly does nothing other than prevent
them from playing a song already categorize...
Plan: Premium Family Country: USA Device: Any I've enabled the explicit content filter on several of my kids' accounts (part of our family plan). However, this filter seemingly does n...
This is such a pain. I've always had trouble adding family members to my
account. It n ever works, spotify has the worst premium system ever. Ok
so now, I moved from france to georgia. My niece lives with me, I send
an invite, she puts my french adre...
This is such a pain. I've always had trouble adding family members to my account. It n ever works, spotify has the worst premium system ever. Ok so now, I moved from france to georgia. My n...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryIrelandDeviceAndroid phones, Google home
mini's, PCOperating SystemAndroid Oreo, Windows 10My Question or IssueA
common question on these threads. The issue is with Premium for Family:
If I am listening to my account on my PC...
Plan Premium Family Country Ireland Device Android phones, Google home mini's, PC Operating System Android Oreo, Windows 10 My Question or Issue A common question on these threads. The i...
I just received an e-mail saying "Spotify joined you on Premium Family".
I checked the Premium Family tab in the account profile, and apart from
one of my daughters being listed twice, the list under "People on this
plan" appears to be correct (there...
I just received an e-mail saying "Spotify joined you on Premium Family". I checked the Premium Family tab in the account profile, and apart from one of my daughters being listed twice, the l...
I just upgraded my free account to family premium. I also added my
husband and two children to the family account.They already have
individual premium account separately.Will their charging stop
I just upgraded my free account to family premium. I also added my husband and two children to the family account. They already have individual premium account separately. Will their charging s...