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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Plan Premium Country Germany Device Browser My Question or Issue I payed
a family premium account and was about to do the second step and enter
my address there, but the input form does not accept my address and
tells, that the address is unkown. Its...
My Question or Issue
I payed a family premium account and was about to do the second step and enter my address there, but the i...
My Question or Issue I just changed my premium plan to family because I
was fed up of sharing playlist with my kids So I changed it and invite
by messenger all my family. They receive the message of invite but when
they click on the invite link, they...
My Question or Issue I just changed my premium plan to family because I was fed up of sharing playlist with my kids 🙂 So I changed it and invite by messenger all my family. They receive t...
PlanFamilyPFamily CountryColombiaDevice(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9,
Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows
10,etc.) My Question or IssueI have Premium for Family, but only they
administrator can see the lyrics, others me...
Plan FamilyPFamily Country Colombia Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or I...
I have this same issue. I follow the link you gave, which is the same as
the Help give. I get this screen. I am a Premium member. Just want to
add my wife and son. What should I be seeing? Thank you,
I have this same issue. I follow the link you gave, which is the same as the Help give. I get this screen. I am a Premium member. Just want to add my wife and son. What should...
PlanTrial PremiumCountryUkraineDeviceHuawei Nova 3iOperating
SystemAndroid 9 My Question or IssueIm planning to switch my plan to
Family for me and my friends. But, as i readed in its info, we need to
live together. And there's 1 question: we need to...
Plan Trial Premium Country Ukraine Device Huawei Nova 3i Operating System Android 9 My Question or Issue Im planning to switch my plan to Family for me and my friends. But, a...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryGermany DeviceMotorola G7Operating
SystemAndroid 10 My Question or IssueI found that for an interpret "Die
Drei ??? Kids" there are only about 6 albums available if my Kid is
logging in via "Spotify Kids". But in my regular a...
Plan Premium Family Country Germany Device Motorola G7 Operating System Android 10 My Question or Issue I found that for an interpret "Die Drei ??? Kids" there are only a...
PlanPremium familyCountryDenmarkDevice(iPhone / computer)Operating
System(iOS 10, Windows 10) My Question or IssueHi Spotify. We have a
Spotify premium family plan. As of this school year my oldest son (16
years old) is moving to a boarding school, a...
Plan Premium family Country Denmark Device (iPhone / computer) Operating System (iOS 10, Windows 10) My Question or Issue Hi Spotify. We have a Spotify premium family plan. As of t...
I'm currently the only member of the Premium Family subscription I
manage myself. My ex left and now my new roommate moved in and started a
Premium Family subscription of her own. I would like to join it but it
does not seem to work. I click on the i...
I'm currently the only member of the Premium Family subscription I manage myself. My ex left and now my new roommate moved in and started a Premium Family subscription of her own. I would like to j...
HeyI went from a "premium" account to a "family for premium", and in the
transition all my music and playlists were lost. My profile was
completely empty. Country:Norway DeviceSamsung S10Operating
SystemAndroid My Question or Issue
Hey I went from a "premium" account to a "family for premium", and in the transition all my music and playlists were lost. My profile was completely empty. Country: Norway D...
HI, I followed the help instructions and got to the family page. It says
I can have 6 family members but I do not see the link button to invite
more family members. I invited my kids, but need to add my wife !
PlanPremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Sams...
HI, I followed the help instructions and got to the family page. It says I can have 6 family members but I do not see the link button to invite more family members. I invited my kids, b...
PlanPremium familyCountryThe NetherlandsDeviceSamsung s20Operating
SystemAndroid My Question or IssueI have added my sister too the family
account. And she shows up on the list of registered accounts. But when
she opens the app she still gets commerc...
Plan Premium family Country The Netherlands Device Samsung s20 Operating System Android My Question or Issue I have added my sister too the family account. And she shows u...
PlanFamilyCountryUSA My Question or IssueThe owner of the family account
is moving and I'd like to preserve my lists and start my own account.
What do I need to do?
Plan Family Country USA My Question or Issue The owner of the family account is moving and I'd like to preserve my lists and start my own account. What do I need to do?
Hey guys,I'm considering switching over from my student membership over
to the family premium membership. I was just curious as how how this
works. For example, does this require 6 separate accounts on spotify, or
does everyone on the family premium ...
Hey guys, I'm considering switching over from my student membership over to the family premium membership. I was just curious as how how this works. For example, does this require 6 s...
Hi, I have been trying to add one of the kids to the family plan and I'm
about ready to throw my phone through the wall. She has her own premium
account. She has her own email. I have a family plan. there are 4 of us
on the plan already. When I log i...
Hi, I have been trying to add one of the kids to the family plan and I'm about ready to throw my phone through the wall. She has her own premium account. She has her own email. I have a family...
My Question or IssueI have many playlist created when we had one account
as a family and my library is a mess! Can I transfer them to their real
owners? or there’s a way for them to copy the playlist and conserve it
even if I delete them? Help please...
My Question or Issue I have many playlist created when we had one account as a family and my library is a mess! Can I transfer them to their real owners? 🤔 or there’s a way for t...
Plan: Family PremiumCountry: Czech Republic Device with issue: iPhone
6Operating System: iOS Hello,I am asking for help to fix my issue with
Spotify family.My sister has changed from Samsung to my old iPhone 6
recently, which means we had to factory ...
Plan: Family Premium Country: Czech Republic Device with issue: iPhone 6 Operating System: iOS Hello, I am asking for help to fix my issue with Spotify family. My sister h...
Hello, I sued to have premium for family on a different account that was
registered in the UK. I have since moved back to my country and tried
switching to a Romanian Spotify for Family accont, which did not work
(got a payment failed error, despite ...
Hello, I sued to have premium for family on a different account that was registered in the UK. I have since moved back to my country and tried switching to a Romanian Spotify for Family a...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueSo my brother created his Spotify account when he was
in the UK. When he was back at our home...
...rother created his Spotify account when he was in the UK. When he was back at our home address, he could not join the family plan. Any solution guys? *When prompted to enter address, both o...
I have followed the instructions to add my daughter to family
premium.She gets the link and creates her own account with her email,
verifies the address and creates her own password.She picks up my
username ( somehow ) and plays her music which 'over...
I have followed the instructions to add my daughter to family premium. She gets the link and creates her own account with her email, verifies the address and creates her own password. She picks u...