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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryEstoniaDeviceTried several ones, same
resultOperating SystemTried several ones, same result My Question or
IssueI have just signed for Premium Family in Estonia and shared a link
with my wife. After logging in into Spotify, s...
Plan Premium Family Country Estonia Device Tried several ones, same result Operating System Tried several ones, same result My Question or Issue I have just signed for Premium Family...
premium familyCountryLuxemburg/SwedenDeviceipad(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy
9, Macbook Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows
10,etc.) My Question or IssueI switched from premium to family premium
and sent the invitation to my husb...
premium family Country Luxemburg/Sweden Device ipad (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or I...
Plan: PremiumMy Question or Issue;Dear all, I'm a subscriber since many
years and considering an upgrade towards premium for family. I
understand that this upgrade will require a higher monthly contribution.
However I see that new users can get it fo...
Plan: Premium My Question or Issue; Dear all, I'm a subscriber since many years and considering an upgrade towards premium for family. I understand that this upgrade will require a higher m...
I have had Premium for a few years. Last year moved from South Africa to
Australia. Now I am trying to change my country to Australia. The system
accepted the change as I have entered an Australian credit card number.
However, it won’t give me the op...
...redit card number. However, it won’t give me the option to upgrade to Premium Family. why? If I close the account, I cannot open a new one in Australia using the same e...
Hello, can I share Spotify Premium Family with my partner (we are not
married and have different last names)? We live together at the same
address (in Germany). Unfortunately I have not found anything in the
help section. Thanks a lot.
Hello, can I share Spotify Premium Family with my partner (we are not married and have different last names)? We live together at the same address (in Germany). U...
I have a profile under a Premium Family Subscription. The last few
weeks, I am hearing adverts when listening to podcasts. There is no set
frequency for them, they just come on. They are usually for shows on Sky
TV. No one else on my subscription lis...
I have a profile under a Premium Family Subscription. The last few weeks, I am hearing adverts when listening to podcasts. There is no set frequency for them, they just come on. They are usually f...
I am part of a family subscription, but I want to leave it and start my
own family subscription and become the owner, but I couldn't find a
button for it when I fo to change my plan.. how can I do it ? Thank
I am part of a family subscription, but I want to leave it and start my own family subscription and become the owner, but I couldn't find a button for it when I fo to change my plan.. &n...
Premium FamilyFrance I have subscribed to Family from Premium, and
ticked the box to share all playlists with new family members. My
husband set up a new account on the Family subscription but cannot see
any of the shared playlists.How do you access ...
Premium Family France I have subscribed to Family from Premium, and ticked the box to share all playlists with new family members. My husband set up a new account on t...
PlanPremium FamilyCountryIndonesiaDeviceiPhone 7+, MacBook Air
2017Operating SystemiOS 13.3.1, macOS Mojave My Question or IssueHello.
I've subscribed for Spotify Family Premium since January 30, 2020. I was
using my Spotify Family Premium yesterday ...
Plan Premium Family Country Indonesia Device iPhone 7+, MacBook Air 2017 Operating System iOS 13.3.1, macOS Mojave My Question or Issue Hello. I've subscribed for Spotify Family...
Hi, I have a Premium account through my mobile provider, however I want
to have a Family account. I canceled my Premium account at my mobile
provider, but this keeps on for a month. Do I have to wait the full
month before being able to have the Famil...
Hi, I have a Premium account through my mobile provider, however I want to have a Family account. I canceled my Premium account at my mobile provider, but this keeps on for a month. Do I h...
PlanPremiumPaísArgentina Mi inquietudTengo un plan Premium contratado
hace unos años a través de la compañía telefónica argentina Personal y
quiero pasar a un plan Familiar. Sé que me tengo que comunicar con ellos
para pasar primero hacia una Gratuit...
Plan Premium País Argentina Mi inquietud Tengo un plan Premium contratado hace unos años a través de la compañía telefónica argentina Personal y quiero pasar a un plan Familiar. Sé que m...
PlanPremiumCountryCanadaDeviceOnePlus 7 ProOperating SystemAndroid 10 My
Question or IssueI have been paying for a second account for my sister
to use, and I've been wondering how the location based "family plan
works" My sister is currently in schoo...
...ondering how the location based "family plan works" My sister is currently in schooling in Norway, and i was wondering how that might work? we are not in the same household currently. Thanks.
PlanFree/PremiumCountryIndiaDevice(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook
Pro late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or IssueHello, I paid for an yearly family plan today. But I
saw that the account page still show...
...paid for an yearly family plan today. But I saw that the account page still shows me that I am subscribed to a premium plan and not a family plan. I contacted the support team and I was to told to s...
Plan Family Country NZDevice AllOperating System All My Question or
IssueThe confirmation email of my <12yo for participation on in the
family plan, is not arriving at my google parental account email, or my
spotify plan manager email. No other email...
Plan Family Country NZ Device All Operating System All My Question or Issue The confirmation email of my <12yo for participation on in the family plan, is not arriving at m...
Hi everyone, and thanks in advance for any helpful information! We have
a premium family plan, and want to moderate explicit content. Rather
than turn it off, we are hoping to leave it on and periodically review
listening history, believing this will...
Hi everyone, and thanks in advance for any helpful information! We have a premium family plan, and want to moderate explicit content. Rather than turn it off, we are hoping to leave it on a...
Hi,My family members (same address) had access with their respective
smartphones to my former Family Premium subscription until my debit card
expired. Then nobody could use Family Premium anymore (normal).I
received my new debit card and subscribed a...
Hi, My family members (same address) had access with their respective smartphones to my former Family Premium subscription until my debit card expired. Then nobody could use Family Premium a...
Hi there, About a week ago I got a family premium - with 3 months
'free'.I also have a Bose Soundtouch 20. I can link my account but it
won't play music direct from the app. The only way to play spotify on my
ST is by bluetooth connection. It would b...
Hi there, About a week ago I got a family premium - with 3 months 'free'. I also have a Bose Soundtouch 20. I can link my account but it won't play music direct from the app. The only way t...
My intis dosn't workWe keep getting logged in as a free account. I tried
to remove him from th family plan. and invite him again. But that dosn't
work.It allso seems like he has tree accounts assosiated to him.
PlanFamily PremiumCountryNorwayDevice(i...
My intis dosn't workWe keep getting logged in as a free account. I tried to remove him from th family plan. and invite him again. But that dosn't work. It allso seems like he has tree accounts a...
PlanPremiumCountryUKDeviceIphone, Samsung and Alexa devicesOperating
System(iOS , Windows 10, Alexa, etc.) My Question or IssueI have just
signed up to a premium family account on Spotify - I have just left
Amazon Music as I heard that Spotify is bet...
Plan Premium Country UK Device Iphone, Samsung and Alexa devices Operating System (iOS , Windows 10, Alexa, etc.) My Question or Issue I have just signed up to a premium family a...
I'm a single premium user. Spotify is the household sole music system. I
have a son and daughter and my wife using it too in the household. I
thought it time to upgrade to the Family plan. However, my wife and I
are splitting up and moving out with o...
I'm a single premium user. Spotify is the household sole music system. I have a son and daughter and my wife using it too in the household. I thought it time to upgrade to the Family plan. However, m...