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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
Ich hatte ein Family Abo mit ner Mitbewohnerin gehabt. Da sie nicht mehr
hier wohnt, ist sie aus dem Family Abo von mir rausgeworfen worden und
ich habe das family Abo gekündigt. Nun habe ich andere Mitbewohner und
wir wollen das Family Abo abschließ...
Ich hatte ein Family Abo mit ner Mitbewohnerin gehabt. Da sie nicht mehr hier wohnt, ist sie aus dem Family Abo von mir rausgeworfen worden und ich habe das family Abo gekündigt. Nun habe ich a...
PlanFree/PremiumUSA DeviceiPhone / PC / Mac I am trying to add my mom to
my Family account. I have added my dad effortlessly, but adding mom is
not working. The error message I keep getting is below. Steps I have
taken:Send invite to her emailShe cli...
Plan Free/Premium USA Device iPhone / PC / Mac I am trying to add my mom to my Family account. I have added my dad effortlessly, but adding mom is not working. T...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
PlanPremium for familyCountryItalyDeviceEvery possible Apple device iOS
and Mac Os Hi. At the moment I have a premium for family subscription
and I am the main subscriber. I would like to cancel my subscription and
to keep the premium subscription of...
Plan Premium for family Country Italy Device Every possible Apple device iOS and Mac Os Hi. At the moment I have a premium for family subscription and I am the main subscriber....
PlanPremiumCountryGermanyDeviceNotebookOperating SystemWindows 10 My
Question or IssueHi,I redeemed a gift card into a 12 month Premium
Spotify account. Works fine. When I'm about to change the plan to Family
Premium, I'm asked to pay an additional 1...
...'m about to change the plan to Family Premium, I'm asked to pay an additional 14,99 Euro per month (by PayPal, credit card etc.). How can that be? Shouldn't it just convert into the other plan since i...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device(iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro
late 2016)Operating System(iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My
Question or Issue
Plan Free/Premium Country Device (iPhone 8, Samsung Galaxy 9, Macbook Pro late 2016) Operating System (iOS 10, Android Oreo, Windows 10,etc.) My Question or Issue
DeviceSamsung Galaxy 9Hello!Recently my family discovered the Family
Mix, and it's a really neat feature! Through this process, we realized
my account wasn't on the family plan. After I was added, we were hoping
I would start to be factored in on the...
Device Samsung Galaxy 9 Hello! Recently my family discovered the Family Mix, and it's a really neat feature! Through this process, we realized my account wasn't on the family plan. After I...
I have register my address for 1 month ago and my address doesnt have
street number. So , recently i have 1 new family member that wants to
join. After i filled it all the same address , i cant submit because
they ask me to fill up street number wher...
I have register my address for 1 month ago and my address doesnt have street number. So , recently i have 1 new family member that wants to join. After i filled it all the same address , i cant s...
Saya sudah pernah di invite oleh adik saya untuk bergabung ke family
premium...saya lupa untuk verifikasi data...seminggu setelahnya saya
dikeluarkan dari premium...kemudian adik saya invite lg untuk bergabung
ke family tp saya tidak bs bergabung lag...
Saya sudah pernah di invite oleh adik saya untuk bergabung ke family premium...saya lupa untuk verifikasi data...seminggu setelahnya saya dikeluarkan dari premium...kemudian adik saya invite lg u...
Plan: PremiumCountry: United States and JamaicaDevice: Samsung Galaxies
My Question or IssueI would like to switch to the family premium
subscription for myself and my girlfriend. The thing is she travels to
Jamaica frequently (she still has family b...
Plan: Premium Country: United States and Jamaica Device: Samsung Galaxies My Question or Issue I would like to switch to the family premium subscription for myself and my girlfriend....
Hi, I have family plan and spotify kick out my brother and sister who
live together with me. if it wont be corrected, i have to cancel my
subsciprtion. coz now i am alone in plan. ridicilous. i will be
appreciate to receive any kind of help. thanks
Hi, I have family plan and spotify kick out my brother and sister who live together with me. if it wont be corrected, i have to cancel my subsciprtion. coz now i am alone in plan. ridicilous. i w...
Hola, soy de México y estoy utiluizando spotify familiar.me ha pedido
verificar las cuentas de mis familiares que residen en la misma casa y
lo he hecho, ingresaron el codigo postal y recibi la confirmacion de la
cuenta, al día siguiente les enviaron...
Hola, soy de México y estoy utiluizando spotify familiar. me ha pedido verificar las cuentas de mis familiares que residen en la misma casa y lo he hecho, ingresaron el codigo postal y recibi ...
PlanFamilyCountryItalyDeviceiPhone XR My Question or IssueI have already
upgraded my subscription from Premium to Family. I'm currently at home,
but the family members are on vacation in Spain. Seems they are not able
to activate their accounts. It's...
Plan Family Country Italy Device iPhone XR My Question or Issue I have already upgraded my subscription from Premium to Family. I'm currently at home, but the family members are on v...
PlanPremiumCountry Canada DeviceSamsung Galaxy 8Operating SystemAndroid
Oreo My Question or IssueWe are trying to add a third account to our
Spotify Family Plan.We go to the Your Home page and can see the account
we are trying toadd, we click on this...
Plan Premium Country Canada Device Samsung Galaxy 8 Operating System Android Oreo My Question or Issue We are trying to add a third account to our Spotify Family Plan. W...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Device Operating System My Question or Issue I
have 2 premium paid accounts, my wifes account and my own. We want to
combine the accounts into a family account. Is this possible and how?
PlanPremium for FamilyCountryCanada DeviceiPhone, Pixel, Google Home,
Samsung Galaxy My Question or IssueHello, anyone know is there an
introductory "Premium for Family" pricing, IE free or ~99 cents for a
month? We are currently on an Apple Music fa...
Plan Premium for Family Country Canada Device iPhone, Pixel, Google Home, Samsung Galaxy My Question or Issue Hello, anyone know is there an introductory "Premium for Family...
So I started a new family plan today and it didnt ask for my address so
I need to view what it currently has listed as my address for those i
invited. Help!!
So I started a new family plan today and it didnt ask for my address so I need to view what it currently has listed as my address for those i invited. Help!!
Mi papá compro hace uno o dos meses el plan familiar y todo estaba
perfecto hasta ayer en la noche que me quitaron el premiun porque no
pudieron verificar mi dirección. Ahora no sé qué hacer y en ningún lado
me dan algún indicio de cómo puedo solucio...
Mi papá compro hace uno o dos meses el plan familiar y todo estaba perfecto hasta ayer en la noche que me quitaron el premiun porque no pudieron verificar mi dirección. Ahora no sé qué hacer y en nin...
So...I've been removed from my familiar premium account...I live with
the person who I share the premium plan and now i've been removed...
What should I do?
So... I've been removed from my familiar premium account... I live with the person who I share the premium plan and now i've been removed... What should I do?
PlanPremium familyCountryTurkeyDeviceheuwai p30 pro / PCOperating
Systemwindows / androidMy Question or Issuehello i have an turkey
account and turkey mastercard also located in turkey b!ut when i wanna
add my payment it always do nothing and can't g...
Plan Premium family Country Turkey Device heuwai p30 pro / PC Operating System windows / android My Question or Issue hello i have an turkey account and turkey mastercard also located in t...