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The mail with request of spotify to verify the home adress was on spam
and now a family member is blocked for 12 months. How can I reactivate
the account?
Hello,I recently upgraded to Premium so I could share Spotify with my
mom. But if I'm listening to mine, she can't listen to hers, and vice
versa. She was at work listening to her playlist, and I was at home
searching songs, but I could HEAR what SHE...
PlanFree/PremiumCountry Brazil My Question or IssueI was part of a
familiar plan but moved out of the place and decided to create a new one
with my sister. She setup the account with her profile and I made the
payment. When she sent me the invite I c...
Plan Free/Premium Country Brazil My Question or Issue I was part of a familiar plan but moved out of the place and decided to create a new one with my sister. She setup the account...
Hi there, been trying to add one of my friends who is residing at the
same address as me to my premium for family account but it doesn’t seem
to work. It worked out the first month. My friend received an email
asking him to verified his residential a...
Hi there, been trying to add one of my friends who is residing at the same address as me to
my premium for family account but it doesn’t seem to work. It worked out the first month. My friend r...
Hola. Hemos ingresado como grupo familiar premium, pero uno de los
integradores. Con el cual, hay dos integrantes con el mismo perfil y por
ende ambos están conectados desde el correo electrónico, uno de los dos
no podría escuchar su lista de reprodu...
Hola. Hemos ingresado como grupo familiar premium, pero uno de los integradores. Con el cual, hay dos integrantes con el mismo perfil y por ende ambos están conectados desde el correo electrónico, un...
Cadastrei num Plano Familiar e de repente minha família foi exlcuída do
Plano.Ao tentar cadastra-los de volta, o cadastro individual de cada um
foi negado.Estou pagando por um serviço que não estou recebendo......
Cadastrei num Plano Familiar e de repente minha família foi exlcuída do Plano. Ao tentar cadastra-los de volta, o cadastro individual de cada um foi negado. Estou pagando por um serviço que não est...
My daughter is using 2 of my 5 family accounts. I need to remove one of
them but when she looks at her account in her app it only shows a
number. How do I cross reference that number back to which is the active
account in my master log in? If I were ...
My daughter is using 2 of my 5 family accounts. I need to remove one of them but when she looks at her account in her app it only shows a number. How do I cross reference that number b...
Buenas tardes, en Chile tenia cuenta premiun, ahora vivo en República
Dominicana y quiero contratar plan familiar pero deseo pagar con la
tarjeta de Chile ya que aún no tengo tarjeta de crédito en RD, es
posible pagar con dicha tarjeta?. Desde ya agr...
Buenas tardes, en Chile tenia cuenta premiun, ahora vivo en República Dominicana y quiero contratar plan familiar pero deseo pagar con la tarjeta de Chile ya que aún no tengo tarjeta de crédi...
Premium familyAustraliaSending from Samsung s7Android oreo Cannot send
the email to family members. Have tried many times. Have tried other
alternate email addresses. Please help or refund my money.
Premium family Australia Sending from Samsung s7 Android oreo Cannot send the email to family members. Have tried many times. Have tried other alternate email addresses. P...
I just signed up to family share plan that includes the Google Home mini
for $.99Its been a couple of hours now and I have not received the email
from Spotify with the link/promo code that is needed to purchase the
Google home mini via the Google web...
I just signed up to family share plan that includes the Google Home mini for $.99 Its been a couple of hours now and I have not received the email from Spotify with the link/promo code that is n...
Hi, after some reading I understand you have to cancel the family
account to change the address associated, I tried this, even though I
had just signed up, I found I could not create a new account until the
old account expires, in a whole month? I mu...
Hi, after some reading I understand you have to cancel the family account to change the address associated, I tried this, even though I had just signed up, I found I could not create a new account u...
Me and my gf just moved in together. I changed adress. She invites me to
the familyaccount but when we look at the list it is not my name but my
ex girlfriends name. It's my Spotify account and my email and she got
nothing to do with it. My X and I u...
Me and my gf just moved in together. I changed adress. She invites me to the familyaccount but when we look at the list it is not my name but my ex girlfriends name. I...
PlanPremium FAMILYCountryIRELAND My Question or IssueHi what address do
i use when ive started family i signed up with facebook and live in new
house now,plus my papypal address is linked to new home?my family
members are being promted for an address...
Plan Premium FAMILY Country IRELAND My Question or Issue Hi what address do i use when ive started family i signed up with facebook and live in new house now,plus my p...
Hi, I'm glad now that Spotify (Premium) is available in Qatar, I've used
Family Premium before in Malaysia, I was wondering if I can transfer
everything (family premium to Qatar). I checked there is only option for
Premium, but not family, is Family ...
Hi, I'm glad now that Spotify (Premium) is available in Qatar, I've used Family Premium before in Malaysia, I was wondering if I can transfer everything (family premium to Qatar). I c...
PlanPremiumCountry GreeceDevice(Samsung Galaxy j3)Operating System(
Android .) My Question or IssueI had premium account and I upgraded to
premium family. I have been charged 83 euros but I don't have family!
The transaction id is 995704060695107 I h...
Plan Premium Country Greece Device (Samsung Galaxy j3) Operating System ( Android .) My Question or Issue I had premium account and I upgraded to premium family. I have been c...
Just upgraded from Premium to Family Premium. But once taken to Google
to redeem offer for Google Home Mini they are all out of stock... any
suggestions would be greatly appreciated, just trying to make sure we
will in fact be receiving one
Just upgraded from Premium to Family Premium. But once taken to Google to redeem offer for Google Home Mini they are all out of stock... any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, just trying to m...
I awoke to confirmation emails that I was upgraded to Family and charged
an extra $5 for the month... and offered some Google device. I have no
family living here, and have not been in Spotify in the last bit, so I
would never have upgraded to a plan...
I awoke to confirmation emails that I was upgraded to Family and charged an extra $5 for the month... and offered some Google device. I have no family living here, and have not been i...
PlanPremium familyCountry PolandDeviceiPhone X, PC’s, S9+,
IphonesOperating SystemIOS 12, Windows 10, newest android My Question or
Issue hello, everytime i renewing family subscription, Every member gets
kicked, localisations /addres are confirmed o...
Plan Premium family Country Poland Device iPhone X, PC’s, S9+, Iphones Operating System IOS 12, Windows 10, newest android My Question or Issue hello, everytime i...
None of the below information is required. However, the more you provide
the easier it will be for us to try and help.PlanPremiumCountry
ItalyDeviceIphone7Operating System(iOS 10 My Question or Issue Ho
attivato un abbonamento premium family e vorrei...
...0 My Question or Issue Ho attivato un abbonamento premium family e vorrei condividerlo con i miei coinquilini però dopo aver mandato loro l’invito non li fa accedere dicendo che l...
We have basically had it with the casting dropouts on Spotify, weeks now
of not being able to cast one song with out dropouts.All software is up
to date, strong WiFi, devices within metres of each other. Constant
dropouts. Zero help from Spotify bar ...
...ach other. Constant dropouts. Zero help from Spotify bar us helping each other. Cancelling Spotify, what alternative has the same type of family accounts? Plan Family premium C...
Plan: PremiumCountry: USA My Question or Issue:When I send an invite to
a family member to the premium plan owned by me, the email generated and
sent to them says "Zach invited you to his account." My name is not
Zach. How can I fix this?
Plan: Premium Country: USA My Question or Issue: When I send an invite to a family member to the premium plan owned by me, the email generated and sent to them says "Z...