I just received a denial for my extension request after waiting a month. I did some research and apparently resubmitting means I have to wait another month or longer.
Since this is a guess and check process I need some help before this turns into a 6 month ordeal.
My app is a rewards engine for music fans. They earn loyalty points for an artist by streaming music, checking in at concerts, buying merch, sharing the artist, signing up for the email list, and I'm sure we'll add more if we can ever get to market. Artists can then offer loyalty rewards to the fans based on where they stack up against other fans (ex. 10% off t-shirts for the top 10% of fans)
Of the list of activities one can do to earn points, streaming is among the least valuable and we really have it in there as a way to engage with new users who haven't interacted with the system much yet. When streaming a song earns you 1 point for the artist and attending a concerts earns you 750-10,000 points, streaming points become less valuable to the fan over time and if they wanted to manipulate the system, they'd do it using the higher value activities.
So the reason I got denied was
- The Spotify Platform can not be used to artificially increase play counts, follow counts or to otherwise manipulate the Spotify Service. For example, by using any bot, script, automated process, or by providing any form of compensation (financial or otherwise) to users
I don't like it but I can understand it. Abuses of a loyalty program would manipulate the Spotify service. I'd love it if the documentation were black and white on the subject and I could make a formal appeal based on the published requirements, but this is much more subjective and ambiguous than Spotify would like it to be. So, I need to be able to review this with a person in real time other than waiting a month every time it's time to "guess and check" again.
Here are the current questions I need to have answered.
1. If we do away with points for streaming and only pull a list of artists to display as "my artists" to new users, will that be in line with the requirements.
2. If we implemented some sort of limit to points earned by streaming, would that meet the requirements? Say, max 100 points for an artist, or max 40 points a day?