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Request - Get Playlist Basic Info (no tracks) for Spotify Algorithmic Playlists

Request - Get Playlist Basic Info (no tracks) for Spotify Algorithmic Playlists

Prior to the API changes of 2024/11/27, we were able to retrieve basic details (e.g. name, description, image url, etc) along with the tracks for a specified Spotify algorithmic playlist via the "Get Playlist" endpoint.  Now it simply returns a "404 Resource not found" error.


Is there any way to still return the basic details (e.g. name, description, image url, etc) for Spotify algorithmic playlists without returning the tracks collection (or just return an empty tracks collection)?  I understand that you want to protect your intellectual property by not returning the list of tracks, and that is fine. 


My problem is that there is no way to return information about the currently playing context specified by the player "Get Playback State" (e.g. "Daily Mix 1") - the "Get Playlist" endpoint returns a 404 error.  In other words, we have to ASSUME that the 404 error returned from the "Get Playlist" endpoint is either the playlist does not exist OR it's a Spotify algorithmic playlist.  You know what they say about assumptions ...


Or am I missing something on how to retrieve basic details for a Spotify algorithmic playlist?  For example:

uri = "spotify:playlist:37i9dQZF1E39vTG3GurFPW", :

name = "Daily Mix 1"



Plan - Premium

Country - US


1 Reply

Posted this almost 2 months ago, and still no response.  Does anyone from the Spotify Developer Team even look at these?  Or are we just wasting our time?

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