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Changed education - what to do with my student discount?

Changed education - what to do with my student discount?


Student Premium



My Question or Issue

 I have recently chosen to drop out of my education and start at another school. This means that I now have a different student mail, and I just wanted to hear if I am supposed to change it somewhere (in terms of my subscription)? Because if so, I can't find where to do it. As it is now, my account is "paired up" to my old university and I will be happy to "pair it up" with my current college (if necessary). 

1 Reply

Hey @SofieDP, welcome to the Community.

Hope you're doing great!


If you want to change your email account follow these steps: 

  1. Log in to your account page.
  2. Click EDIT PROFILE.
  3. Under Email, enter your new email address.
  4. Confirm your password.
  5. Click SAVE PROFILE.

For more info read this article.


After you've done that and your Premim for Students plan has ended you'll do the same process you did when you first signed up for it and after you're verified that you're eligable you can start using Premium for Students plan again. Here's some more information on that.

Please note that if the University you're currently studying isn't available you won't be able to profit from this plan.

Hope it helps 🙂

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