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Spotify CD quality / HIFI / Lossless streaming 16bit 44.1khz

Spotify CD quality / HIFI / Lossless streaming 16bit 44.1khz


I am testing Qobuz at the moment with CD quality comparing to HiRes, difficult to say if HiRes worth the price but coming back to Spotify 320Kbs quality is a real pain...


Is Spotify going to align to the market outsiders (Qobuz, Tidal, Deezer, etc..) and propose AT LEAST CD quality or will they carry on thinking that it is a niche market... considering that all these outsiders are no threat to their customer base?


My personal deadline is January 2019 , if no announcement, bye bye Spotify... I don't stay with an arrogant leader not listening to part of its customers and not properly reading market trends. I feel sorry for my wife and Children but they will have to adpat to a new streaming service.


I am joking, I know they won't have any problem switching to another streaming service...







21 Replies

Hey @Cavazz, welcome to the Spotify Community!


If you'd like to see Spotify get HiFi quality lossless streaming, please go follow and support this idea on the Community:


Please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. Happy Holidays 🙂

I share your disappointment. I subscribed to Spotify as soon as the service got available in my country 4 years ago.

I do not know what Spotify is waiting to offer at least lossless streaming. The official statement on the post mentionned here below shows no sign that this request from many customers is taken seriously. 

I have tried Qobuz to get a clear confirmation of the difference betwen CD quality and 320kbps.

But Qobuz does not offer family subscriptions, and is not straightforward on some network streamers (Cambridge CXN).


So I am about to test Tidal, and if satisfied, it will be bye bye Spotify for me too...

Tidal hifi is nice, but i will return when spotify launches lossless

Tidal does a mignific job with the Cambridge CXN ! To myself it's by by spotify !! it's a shame that Spotify does not take into account thousands of user's comments who wish to have a lossless straming service. I think they wont go that way as long as the other giant like Apple , Amazon and Google will not do so. I hate companies that just don't innovate! I really don't care about software enhancements, what count is SOUND QUALITY !!!!!


Now in suédois so they can read this comment LOL :


Tidal gör ett mignificerat jobb med Cambridge CXN! För mig själv är det genom att spotify !! Det är synd att Spotify inte tar hänsyn till tusentals användares kommentarer som vill ha en förlustfri stämningstjänst. Jag tror att de inte kommer att gå så länge som den andra jätten som Apple, Amazon och Google inte kommer att göra det. Jag hatar företag som bara inte innoverar! Jag bryr mig verkligen inte om programvaruförbättringar, vad räknas LJUDKVALITET !!!!!


You're right: Tidal is perfect on a Cambridge CXN. And music sounds definitely better in lossless format. You have to be deaf not to hear it.

My playlists have been migrated from Spotify to Tidal using the free Soundiiz web app. I can leave with no second thoughts...

Spotify should really enable lossless-streaming to their service, by this not at all happening I think in the end they will lose the game and ball to other services. I think their arrogant and negative attitude really shows how they underestimate this by giving that more of a joke reply to people asking for lossless-streaming. It was 5 years ago when this was asked and nothing has happened.

Now, surely they are still  leading the competition on the market, but once people actually start leaving it for real reasons (like the lack of lossless) they are soon heading towards the moment where other services go by it.

I could not agree more with you !!! Another think here is the fact that compress audio was good a few years ago, but now, since CD are almost history we need to have a streaming service that provides CD Quality and Hi Res possibilities (Tidal does) !

Spotify might think it’s too big to defeat. Just think of the next scenario: Apple offers lossless for the same price, and first (few) month(s) for free. Sounds to me as an effective strategy to become no. 1 in streaming music services. They want to move from hardware to services anyhow...

I did do +1 in voting for streaming in at least CD quality, but I am sceptical Spotify will listen. For a long time I stayed with my ISP because it had a free Spotify premium account (not family) included in the package. I am going to switch ISP and that means bye bye to Spotify premium for me. Besides, I have been a happy Qobuz customer for over a year now.

This is the issue with Sporify on everything. They are trying to run a wealthy multinational conglomerate like a college start-up. People should not have to make requests for services on bulletin boards and then wait months for a response.


I already switched to Tidal. For those who care about sound quality that is the way to go.


Support Tidal.

Don't make people request services on a community bulletin board. And get some customer support staff on a REAL TELEPHONE LINE or at least via chat. 


Stop hiding from your customers and serve them better. I think you're making enough $$$ to act like a real business.

Hi All


I switched on Tidal nearly 3 month ago as promised in my original post as Spotify did not move an inch on their loosy "320Kbps only" strategy. 


My feedback is that out of 700 songs on spotify in my playlists, only 12 where not on Tidal and out of the 12, none where a problem if I could not listen to them anymore (until there are present on Tidal). I used a freeware to transfer all my songs from Spotify to Tidal and it worked perfectly (there are many, very easy to find on the web).


My family in the end admitted that they won't have to switch as they were using so little Spotify that they don't care loosing their accesses. So for the moment, I am  on Tidal HIFI at 19,99 and will see if I switched to Tidal Family at a later stage, not sure yet.


The improvement on sound quality is obvious on my living room where I have a descent HIFI installation, I made various tests on the same song switching from TIdal to Spotify and vice versa... the sound is clearer and more open with CD quality versus 320 kbps. No need to be an expert, my Wife easily spotted the difference above all on classical music. 


I think this topic was never read by Spotify which again demonstrates their arrogance with their customer base, so let it be a guide to switch to "better providers", Tidal and other many promising new services... 


Bye bye Spotify... 


A "lost in action" Customer...


Totally agree. The whole family (6 users) made an easy transition to Tidal using Soundiiz web conversion.

True, a few tracks were lost in conversion, but the difference in playback quality is absolutely thrilling on a decent HIFI amp + speakers.

After 4 years of Spotify **bleep**, it feels like discovering a new (and better) master of your favorite tracks.



I´m testing Tidal Hifi >>> great quality. 

Can't agree more with these posts - I have upgraded my set up and the quality of Spotify compared with CD or good old vinyl is just not up to it. I don't really want to leave as I like the GUI. But its time to try something else OR god forbid go back to buying CD's!!  

Amazon Music have now launched both CD and HD streaming. Spotify need to get with the program.

 Just go with Tidal,  already well-established, has all the same content as Spotify, and already has master quality recordings as well as what they call hi-fi both of which are excellent. Don’t give Amazon yet more money. Tidal is supported by artists the world over, come up with 20 bucks a month, just pay it and enjoy way better music than Spotify. Spotify is never going to answer these posts, they are completely unresponsive when it comes to what customers want. 

Don't hold your breath folks as Spotify most likely will never stream in lossless quality.  Qobuz and Amazon Hi-Res not coming to Canada any time soon which leaves Tidal as the only real option.  As soon as I add a streamer to my audio system I will most likely make the switch.  Of course I have my turntable and vinyl collection!

This really does boggle my mind. Around 4 years ago I thought it was just matter of time before Spotify would have HiFi subscription. 


It seems like such a wasted opportunity just to throw the HiFi market for free to Tidal when being the one stop place for all music lovers has been offered for Spotify to take for years.


Still plenty to like about Spotify, but past year I've thought of just stopping paying for both Spotify (on the go listening) and Tidal (tied to my Hifi setup via mac mini).

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