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Unknown Playlist spawns on my Playlist

Unknown Playlist spawns on my Playlist

Plan: Premium

Greetings, I'm very upset.
I have my own playlists and I just listen to them, I never listen to any other playlist or music that is not on my playlist. But every day I find random new playlist on my playlists, which I never created and are not mine. I keep clicking "unfollow" so they disappear from the list, but that doesnt solve the problem. They come back, even different ones. 
Is there a way to stop this? I know I'm old school but I just want my playlist ordered how I want them and just mine. I don't want unknown's people playlists.

1 Reply

Hey @Pharalis.


Thanks for getting in touch!


Perhaps there is someone that has gained access to your account. To be one the safe side, change both your Spotify password and (if your accounts are connected) your Facebook password. Then, log out everywhere on your Spotify account page and your Facebook profile.


Hope this will solve the issue! Let us know if you have further questions.


Have a nice day.

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