Hello, nice to meet you. Tell us a little about yourself.
Hi!, My name is Erick and I'm from El Salvador (littlest country in Central America tho it is actually pretty big from here haha) and I just love music so much, I love hanging out with friends and surrounding myself with people I can trust. I'm actually very friendly if you get to know me, but at the beginning well... I'm kinda shy *giggles*

So, what kind of music are you into?
I'm into Pop, pretty much songs that are lyrical not just radio hits, but songs that express feelings from the artists which I can feel identified, I'm also into Indie Pop and some Alternative tho I'm more into female vocalists I don't know, I guess female voice for me its just soothing? I don't know don't mind me haha.
Would you rather ONLY listen to your favourite band over and over OR, never be allowed to listen to your favourite band again?
Bands, ... hmm funny question but I'm not into bands at all but let's say my favorite artist... hmm I think I could listen to Marina and The Diamonds all day, if the songs change right because if the same song is going over and over again well, I'd be mad crazy haha.
What's your favourite place to listen to music?
EVERYWHERE, ANYTIME, people often ask me if I ever get bored of listening to music, they even browse my library to see what is that I'm listening so much and the truth is that I have an album and aritst for every mood I have and the lyrics just say whatever I'm feeling in that moment it's just like that, there's music for every moment.
Thanks for taking the time to chat with us. Before we go, what joke always makes you laugh?
Thank you for giving me this time in the spotlight, uh jokes... uhm well since I'm latin we usually speak Spanish in here so it's like I don't really know any joke in English... yeah can't think of any right now but you can always go on youtube and find some laughter in there, usually when I feel low I enjoy watching 'Dogs rolling down a hill' it just gives me that relaxing feel while I watch them I dunno? Thank you again for this opportunity and see you around!