Introducing our newest Star addition: Taylith!
Hey there,
And welcome aboard
This month's honors of doing the Backstage Intro blog are mine and as I happen to be the latest moderator addition and considering you are the latest Star addition, I'd very much like to invite you to share a little bit more about yourself 😄
If you're up for it, I've prepared some questions for you.

Hey Vasil ❤️
It'd be an honor to have such a blog
I don't see why I'd pass up on this 😄
In this case:1.
Would you like to let us know who Taylith is in a couple of words/sentences? What drives you in this world?
Taylith is a 19-year-old guy living in Botswana in Southern Africa!
(not to be confused with South Africa, that's another country)
I'd say I'm driven by the dream to bring about radical change to the world of tech in my country and my continent. AI will be the main focus and my work will be aligned with green tech!
2. Do you have any pets or hobbies? What do you do outside of the music world?
Unfortunately, I have no pets. But I am a cat person. I love those cute demons so much but in an ironic twist, my mom is allergic to them. I'll definitely own a few once I have my own place or something like that 😄
As for hobbies...
Learning code, reading novels and taking long walks in the evening!
3. What is your favorite food? Describe it for us!
My favorite food would probably be dumplings or steamed bread with just about any kind of meat but beef mostly.
(Steaming is rarely used to prepare it over here).
It's all from the days when my grandma used to make those whenever we'd visit or whenever she was congratulating us (me and my siblings) after prize giving ceremonies and stuff 🙈
As a self-proclaimed music-addict, would you mind sharing your top 3 artists/bands (or their albums) with us? 😄
I'll start with 21 Pilots, since I've liked them for much longer than the others.
My favorite album of theirs is Blurryface.
I've always liked how their music can be just chill, like they're carefree, it's like songs I'd want with me on a road trip.
Also, because of the incredible bond they share.
I'm almost torn between 2 songs for a favorite, one is in Blurryface, the other isn't. I'll settle for My blood . This song (I've said in a post before) makes me think of an incredible relationship I would have liked to have with certain people 🙂
Next up: Lorde. That lady is a star.
Her music is very soothing, calming and peaceful. She has a song called oceanic feeling and I remember listening to it while thinking, she couldn't have named it any better 💛
Of her albums, I love her very first - Pure Heroine. And she made those masterpieces at a young age ♥️
My favorite song, is once again, not from my favorite album 😄
It's called Bravado from the Love Club EP.
Now for my last...I have a bit of a struggle between 2 artists but I'll settle for The Weeknd ♥️
It's not too easy to explain why. I'm inclined to like songs which take me back to a certain moment or a certain person, it's almost always an emotional attachment and that's something I experience often with his music.
Yes, some of my liked songs are real vibey songs but for most, there's a story behind them 🖤
My favorite album of his is After Hours and includes my favorite song Save Your Tears.
I was alone in my room listening to it full volume on New Year's Eve 😄
I'll probably do the same this year, but hopefully not alone ^^
5. Are you a fan of podcasts? Which one is your favorite and why?
I'm a huge fan of true crime documentaries and shows so, naturally, those are the type of podcasts I listen to.
My favorite is called Darknet Diaries by Jack Rhysider. I guess I just like the way he presents his stuff, building suspense and things like that. It's also the first podcast I listened to on Spotify and I'm yet to discover one I consider better.
6. Of all the items that you own, which one do you treasure most and why?
My most treasured possession would be an USB drive. It belonged to my late uncle. Growing up among 3 female siblings only, I didn't really have anyone to play with so he became one of my best friends since my days as a boy. He always had the latest action movies on it and I would pester him to borrow me the stick all the time really 😭♥️.
I haven't changed it's contents, I will always value it 🖤
7. Who are the three people you want on your theoretical zombie apocalypse team and why?
Zombie apocalypse team 😂
First up would be Her ❣️😌
Her presence would be more than enough reason for me to make sure we survive the apocalypse.
Next, I'm gonna include an anime character because this is a theoretical zombie apocalypse anyway 😂
Itachi Uchiha from Naruto. Man was a powerhouse all by himself. Very good at assessing a situation and crafting the best strategy of dealing with it.
And to top it off, *Jimmy Carr*, a comedian 😄
Might sound odd but it'd probably be best to have someone who helps the team to keep cool heads for more effective strategizing. And beneath all that humor, he is built for the audience, he's actually a smart guy. Works both ways.
8. If you could share a message with today's world, what would it be?
I'm stealing this from a Ted talk on procrastination I recently listened to 😄
Now, many of us have done this [procrastinating] at some point and we've probably managed to finish the task before us only because of the panic from a deadline.
Now for the twist:
People lead unsatisfactory lives because they procrastinate on certain things in their lives to which there are no immediate deadlines.These include ending toxic relations, building new ones and spending time with family.
A university student will eventually be forced to complete an assignment by a fast approaching deadline. But you won't feel the need to start that business today, there's no time limits. That's until, it's too late.
You're amazing.
We appreciate that you took your time to share all this personal stuff with us here in the Community!!
Any last words before we finally let you go do your thing?
Live your life in a way that is less likely to give you countless regrets when it's too late.
Thank you ♥️
And we thank you 😄
Thanks for sticking around, folks!
Stay tuned for the next Backstage Intro coming soon.
In the meantime, if you're a Star wanting an introduction, feel free to reach out to one of the Mods to let us know. We'd love to find out a bit more about you all 🙂