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July 2016 - New Indie Releases
New Music Friday : July 22, 2016
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/19dac9230bcf595409a48350c420b799492b6da5/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f66353266313031366531353335373363376661373432363031316664373861373463663062313261) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/4c9842ebf8a7360e9b16ca0c51c643cbc36f0712/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f32393864623432316432363237363436616665656663313333303263306431326635373331303336) |
Relient K |
Glenn Davis |
Air For Free |
Waves & Webs |
Origin : Canton, Ohio, USA |
Origin : Columbus, Ohio, USA |
Genre : Indie Rock |
Genre : Indie Pop-Rock |
==> Eleventh studio album from the American Christian Rock band, formed in 1998 in their high school years by Matt Thiessen, Matt Hoopes, and Brian Pittman. |
==> Debut solo album by the founder of the band Wes Yes, written while his marriage was failing. |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/36109e38e20223d082b34d521b48a0be1cdedaa6/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f33633031363865316366363562356634633531663133376466376534666265386165326431626232) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/611b9aef69c3578b677aa945f62a888bf4b906ac/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f34303466623539356265393332313562373438656365343462363762373034363362633930643335) |
Bear's Den |
The I.L.Y's |
Red Earth & Pouring Rain |
Scum With Boundaries |
Origin : London, England |
Origin : Sacramento, California, USA |
Genre : Alternative Folk-Rock |
Genre : Indie experimental punk-rock |
==> Second studio album of the British band formed in 2012 as a third piece and who is now a duo with Andrew Davie and Kevin Jones. |
==> Second studio album of the Californian band, side project of Death Grips members, Zach Hill and Andy Morin. |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/b95328c6da3aed3c1ae809324dd8971f0303a8e3/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f39636133333834666633633636383931623634376136663564663839323161313662626366393463) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/78da2b957d90ec35495a941e4220c09ab2feba14/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f37386139336638316563326232636464356463343436313230633766656662386331613462363564) |
Salem's Pot |
Pronounce This! |
Origin : Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Origin : Sweden |
Genre : Dance-Punk, Electronica |
Genre : Metal-Psyche-Rock |
==> Third Studio album of the Canadian duo started in 2005 and who got its name by removing the vowels of the name ""Mastercraft" (Canadian tools company) and replacing the C by a K.
==> The new album of the Swedish band is "...equal parts of The Cramps’ Psychedelic Jungle, Pentagram’s Relentless, Roky Erickson’s The Evil One and The Stooges Raw Power, as much heirs to Deep Purple as Dead Moon… metal, garage punk, acid rock and a belladonna trip gone wrong. It’s not heavy metal, this is a mutant monster that cannot be tamed..." (Riding Easy Records) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/26797183267c4fa2a452ee31f27e27d845d609f7/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f36643330346534383566386533663562663230643131396161626231386635623565393138613139) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/2799daae1f1f2732a03e1d1fbc5e0a6c3be68c5d/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f66643265316639393130306264623934333362653062633334646638386330623130363731613165) |
Lou Rhodes |
Theyesandeye |
Warm On A Cold Night (deluxe) |
Origin : Manchester, England |
Origin : Bow, London |
Genre : Indie Acoustic-Folk |
Genre : Electronic Soul |
==> Fourth studio solo album for the British singer-songwriter who is also providing vocals and lyrics for the duo Lamb. |
==> Debut studio album by the British duo formed in 2014 and consisting of James (producer) and Andy (singer/producer) who both write, record and produce the music. |