No need to look up to see the Stars! Why? Because you can get to know the most-engaged Spotify Community users right here. In this month’s ‘meet the Stars’ blog we’ve answered some questions on why we’re here and how we collaborate with Spotify. So get ready to dive into the details with us, and read on to find out a little more about what we do!
If you’re new here or you need a quick recap, as Spotify Community Stars we help out other Spotify users, share our passion for music and help shape the future of the Spotify Community. You can find loads more on this here!
To give you a little context, check out the below images:

But, why do we do this? We asked around to get you the answers first hand.
And this is what we've got!
@Bittencourt, who’s been a Star since Spotify launched in Brazil (7 years ago!) told us that he stumbled upon the Spotify Community to solve a problem. He saw this as a great way to learn about the app he uses everyday. Then he noticed there were a lot of unanswered questions asked in Portuguese and then he decided to help them out!
Star @Sebasty was quite frustrated with an issue with the Web Player and decided to share their concerns on the Spotify Community and then stuck around to help other users having the same issue. The Spotify team saw a star on the rise and decided to ask @Sebasty to join the Star Program!
How Stars collaborate with Spotify
Something you may not know is that as Stars we’re volunteers! We’re here because we truly love all things Spotify and we really love helping people. We don’t just help users in the Community forum boards and Chat area though, we also get to help the Spotify teams. The exact way we collaborate with Spotify is never the same! This can vary from testing new features early, to chatting in monthly calls and learning about Spotify’s current focus areas.
Question number 2! We asked “What’s one thing you wish people knew about the Star Program”
To build on how we collaborate with Spotify: @TreyAnastasio tells us about what we do when we get stuck with posts on the Help boards. When we don’t know what to do, Stars can escalate it to the Community Moderator team. They’ll lend us a hand or take it from there.
@Sebasty’s got a good one too: “We're regular Spotify users like anybody else, we just wish to share some extra knowledge with you guys and help get the best out of Spotify.” -- and that really sums up what we do in the Spotify Star Program!
And finally, we asked: “What’s your favourite moment or memory from your time in the program?”
@Billy-J, @Bittencourt, @Sebasty and @TreyAnastasio all agreed on this one. Helping someone on their way with Spotify, solving problems and brightening someone’s day are the best moments from being a Star! It’s the connections with others we make on the Spotify Community that make the Star Program great.
We didn’t get around to asking all the Stars, so if you're part of the team and reading this feel free to join in in the comments section, and add your answers! If you’re not a Star and you’re here reading this, we hope this helped you to get to know us a little better. Don’t hesitate to comment or ask us any more questions and we’ll always answer when we can.
Very special thanks to
📝 Co-author and Star @Noah for doing this together with me
👏Community Manager @Melody for your help on writing this and both @Goodman and Melody for the neatly designed infographics
🌟Stars @TreyAnastasio, @Bittencourt, @Billy-J and @Sebasty for participating in this one!