![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/30f44cbe00020a5cdb0796ff0231da8733c3b5a7/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f35333931363739333934323839336434333362643061613764363733663066363262666137343032) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/d18a3d65a9709b8c5ca20bf3667fe1bfbd452c11/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f33346264313365396533343662343062636338653364306635343132363533376665626233383165) |
Soft Air |
Soft Air |
New Skin |
Origin : NewZealand / England |
Origin : Indie Rock, Pop Rock, Power Pop |
Genre : Indie Pop/Rock, Experimental Pop/Baroque |
Genre : Los Angeles, California, USA |
==> Debut album of the project Soft Air reuniting Conan Mockasin and Sam Dust (LA PRIEST) : "It’s an album of unusual but alluring quasi-pop: sometimes strange, sometimes louche, sometimes funky, but always extremely imaginative" (Dazeddigital.com) |
==> Debut album by the American band formed in 2013 in L.A, and side project of The Strokes guitarist Nick Valensi. "Valensi has described the band's sound as a mix of power pop and heavy metal, and has named The Cars, Cheap Trick and Elvis Costello as influences." |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/44206b39cd798bd216b1cb7d98abf98bca5f42d1/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f62653730363361313335626239366139346636636436376535623435393333396135643430376537) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/6ff500a30975f81b5d1d495ac63420e387fc9671/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f37363939366464343563343564393430323130613838623831386430666563376139356332333362) |
The Brian Jonestown Massacre |
Third World Pyramid |
Clear Shot |
Origin : San Francisco, California, USA |
Origin : Brighton, England |
Genre : Psychedelic Rock, Shoegaze |
Genre : Indie Rock, Psychedelic Rock |
==> Fifteenth studio album by the band formed in 1990 and led by frontman Anton Newcombe. It's the first album that was fully recorded & produced at Anton's new Cobra Studio in Berlin. |
==> Third studio album by the British band formed in 2010. In 2015 They have been collaborating with Natasha Khan (Bat for Lashes). |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/093fce652d11d4e236a8e7d47e91be91ba896c9f/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f38653738363766363533346261623033366361623536336136623937396337636539623766343761) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/8c3f15e5c2403beed4ef4921c049b1d7389cb0cc/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f62623464633430643836303936626265646661363634616332663138316466333432646661663530) |
The Wind and The Wave |
Miniature Tigers |
Happiness Is Not A Place |
I Dreamt I Was A Cowboy |
Origin : Austin, Texas, USA |
Origin : Phoenix, Arizona, USA |
Genre : Indie Pop, Folk Pop |
Genre : Indie Pop, Dream Pop |
==> Second album by the American duo formed by Dwight A. Baker and Patricia Lynn. It's their 1st album for Island Records where they have been signed last March. |
==> Fifth studio album by the American band formed in 2006 and now based in Brooklyn, New York. |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/d270df9ec4fa3a477cc898627435112640e5f74b/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f37656631613862626430353464313564333430666238343866663863636364393361616466343634) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/155311591bf97d1979c0418515d9c9fd91dec2e9/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f64643733366564643838396333613132653732303137636562316336643235346562623036633663) |
Helmet |
Alabama 3 |
Dead To The World |
Blues |
Origin : New York City, New York, USA |
Origin : Brixton, London, England |
Genre : Alternative Rock/Metal |
Genre : Alternative Rock, Electronic, Blues, Gospel |
==> Eighth studio album by the American band formed in 1989 by frontman and lead guitarist, Page Hamilton who has been, along the years, the only constant member. |
==> Twelfth studio album of the British band founded in 1995 and notable for "their fusion of styles, ironic lyrics, intentionally humorous personae, and outrageous live performances.". They are known as A3 in United States. |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/ee8dc89c12c182587ae6a96d6a3f4e84b0267851/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f66343164376139386636613837363934643463366462656230653832613166383134393766333866) |
![](https://ip2.i.lithium.com/4185fc283f0ac4b0f39cf35d1e742ff7b61b5def/68747470733a2f2f692e7363646e2e636f2f696d6167652f39363564383063373135323137306630376236653364323737323734303838646336626432396566) |
Marching Church |
Bettie Serveert |
Telling It Like It Is |
Damaged Good |
Origin : Copenhagen, Denmark |
Origin : Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
Genre : Indie Rock, Art Rock |
Genre : Indie Rock, Indie Pop |
==> Second album of the Danish, now full band, originally solo project by Elias Bender Rønnenfelt, singer of Iceage. |
==> Tenth studio album by the Dutch band originally formed in 1986 and reformed in 1990, after a split. The band is led by singer Carol van Dijk born in Canada to Dutch parents.. |