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how to stop Spotify from adding songs to my playlist

how to stop Spotify from adding songs to my playlist

I set up specific songs in each of my specific folders and that is all I want in each folder. Spotify keeps adding songs to my playlists in my specific folders, because Spotify thinks that I will like the Spotify-selected songs in my playlists. I DO NOT WANT SPOTIFY TO ADD ANY SONGS TO ANY OF MY PLAYLISTS. How can I stop Spotify from doing this?
22 Replies

Hey there,


Thanks for posting in the Community and welcome.


Just to confirm, is your account Premium or is it on our free service? Our free experience on mobile is different; keep in mind music on-demand is a Premium feature. Free accounts work differently on desktop apps and web players.


When you're using the app on a mobile device, you can listen to your playlists on Shuffle and take into account the app adds suggested tracks within the same album/playlist. You can read more about the free experience here. So it's expected on free accounts to hear some suggested tracks on a playlist created by you.


If your account is Premium, we'd suggest you check enhance/Smart shuffle is disabled, so you won't hear any suggested tracks on your playlists. You can also check that the Autoplay feature is disabled as well.


We hope you found this helpful. Keep us in the loop!

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Since a couple of weeks i notes spotify is inserting songs during the playback of my playlist. Im using a free a count in a PC.

How can i turn thoa annoying "feature" off? I dint understand why in the world somebody think is a good idea to modify playlist from people. I dont want to have random stuff in my playlist, if i make a playlist want to listen the songs i added. No others.


I understand you put songs a the end but why in middle? Is really annoying.

Hey @JulioSAO,


Spotify free can help you find new music we think you'll love. That means we’ll continue to suggest tracks and artists for your playlists as you create and edit them. The more you listen, the better the suggestions will become.

If you have less than 15 songs in your Favorite Songs, we'll add more songs. You will see a message telling you that the extra songs were added by us, but they can be replaced by adding more songs.

If you believe what you're seeing is something else, attach a screenshot of how your playlist looks like and we'll gladly check it out 🙂 Cheers!

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Hi Vasil.

My playlist currently contains 40 songs and has a duration of 2h 18min so i think that your response is not applicable in this case. I understand that if my playlist had less than 15 songs, Spotify would add some extra songs to force a truly random order. I think this is fine for these cases.


The problem is a "feature" called "smart shuffle" (or something similar, in my language it's called "modo aleatorio inteligente") that adds unnecessary songs in middle of my playlist and is impossible to disable permanently. If you activate the "normal" shuffle in a playlist, when you close Spotify and open it again, it is automatically activated again, forcing me to fight the app every time I decide to listen to something.


It is very annoying and really makes me nostalgic for the emule days. It had worse sound and less songs available but at least I listened to what I wanted and not what a computer decided I had to listen to.




Hey @JulioSAO,


Thanks for your reply.


In some markets the Smart Shuffle feature is being enabled by default with a Spotify free subscription. We appreciate your feedback as it helps us improve the service and we'll make sure to forward it to the relevant team.



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I agree, I'm on the verge of deleting Spotify due to shuffling of an ALBUM not meant to be shuffled or having random songs inserted into it. I'll just pay the artist directly and download the album...

My "Liked Songs' playlist is including songs that aren't liked or on my playlist.  I am Premium Family with over 600 tracks in my Liked Songs.  I cannot find a way to stop this behavior.

I have 4,000 classical CDs. I’m completely new to streaming. Someone suggested I try Spotify. I just created a playlist and added four tracks (the four movements of a sonata). But then I saw that Spotify has added an additional eleven tracks. How can I prevent that from happening?

WHY IS SPOTIFY ADDING RANDOM SONGS TO MY PLAYLIST??? I have over 40 songs and I don’t want your recommendations every other song!!!! STOP THIS!!! I’m gonna cancel this garbage. Don’t force me to listen to other people I don’t want to!!! The feature is off for recommendations so why is it still happening?? Driving me up the wall. I can’t listen to my playlist and yes I have a premium family plan which they keep raising the price for. I’m about done w Spotify. 

I totally agree I've deleted my playlists and will go to YouTube.




United States


iPhone XS

My Question or Issue

When I click to add an album to a playlist on my phone, it does not actually "add" the album. Tracks are shuffled, and tracks from related albums/artists are put in as well. This seems to only affect mobile devices only, since adding albums to a playlist on a computer adds the album as is. This is a problem since you may get duplicate and/or uneeded tracks, and the next best choice, adding each track one by one, isn't any better (especially for albums with lots of tracks!). Has anyone else been noticing this issue, and what are some ways in which this may be addressed?



Figure 1A: Adding the album to a new playlist. 



Figure 1B: The "album" as it appears in the new playlist.



Figure 2: What the new playlist should have looked like (result of adding each track in one at a time).

I completely agree with everyone here! STOP ADDING SONGS TO MY PLAYLIST!!! I want to listen to what IIIIIIiiii want to listen to! Completely useless and annoying feature. Youtube it is.

I’m here just to share my annoyance.


How obnoxious of Spotify to not play ads on free accounts, but create all these insane obstacles to using the service. Are you out of your mind?!? Is ad revenue not enough??? Can’t listen to the song I want, ok — I created a playlist. Now you’re inserting **bleep** into my playlist that I am not remotely interested in?!? Shuffle is engaged forcefully?!?


Before a staff member chirps in with “this is intended behaviour”, let me ask again — isn’t ad revenue enough for you?!? Play more ads if you must but don’t drive users up the wall with TRULY INSANE obstacles.

I’ll probably delete the app and go back to listening on YouTube. I can listen to exactly what I want there.


I hope you lose all your clients.


I totally agree with the sentiment expressed in this thread.  You say Spotify is adding songs to my playlists that you think I will like?   Well Spotify intelligence is lacking then.  Everything added I hate so I always go through the effort of following the song to the artist and clicking the button to never play songs by them.  

What is really annoying is when you add these garbage songs to the end of My Episodes or Playlists centered around podcasts episodes!   I don’t want your garbage suggestions.  At the least, pull something from my song playlists instead if you insist on pushing music after finishing podcast lists!

yeah, incredibly annoying....fine with the ads for a free account, but why in the world would they think you wanted them to change your playlist, and how does it possibly benefit them in any way?


when we have a party I spend ages making a playlist to cater for a wide range of musical tastes - we like to just pop it on when the first people arrive and play it till the last person leaves. Previously that was fine, but now one or two people have realised they can, on their own Spotify, on their own device select a song and “add to queue” and it will automatically play that song next, despite it not being in the play list, these 1 or 2 people then basically just queue up their own or inappropriate songs that they like. It’s very annoying and they have been asked to stop but they think it’s funny and I guess you can’t pick your family! How can I stop this, we don’t start a jam

You have been giving this same answer for seven years (see 2018 thread), and it's wrong. I have premium account, I have more than 15 songs in my playlist, smart shuffle is disabled, and Spotify still adds random songs to multiple of my playlists. Please fix this bug.

This is not the correct answer either. It is happening for premium users, and it is happening when smart shuffle is disabled.

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