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Spotify is bringing a new update to the home screen widget on Android
devices. This update will help you get more out of it than before. The
new widget will make it simpler and faster to access your favourite
content on Spotify. So what is changing?H...
PlanFreeCountryUSADeviceAndroid PhonesMy Question or IssueMy dad and I
both have spotify. I cannot pick songs to play and have to rely on
shuffle. My dad can pick songs without issue, and probably doesn't even
know that shuffle's an option. We both h...
Dear Spotify,I would like to declaire a complaint considering mainly
Spotify for Android.At first, to give a clear understanding, I enumerate
the main details:Device: Samsung S8 (SM-950F, basically European
model)Android Version: 9.0 PieSpotify appli...
Dear Spotify, I would like to declaire a complaint considering mainly Spotify for Android. At first, to give a clear understanding, I enumerate the main details: Device: Samsung S8 (SM-950F, basic...
PlanPremiumCountryThe NetherlandsDeviceSamsung Galaxy S10eOperating
SystemAndroid 10, android security patch level 1 June 2020, latest
Samsung update installed 20 June 2020. My Question or IssueNoticed a
battery drain from last Spotify update 23 June...
Plan Premium Country The Netherlands Device Samsung Galaxy S10e Operating System Android 10, android security patch level 1 June 2020, latest Samsung update installed 20 June 2020. My...
PlanPremiumCountrySwedenDeviceOneplus 7 ProOperating SystemAndroid 9 My
Question or IssueMassive battery drain the last two days without even
using the app. Even set optimize battery for Spotify in battery
management in Android settings.
Plan Premium Country Sweden Device Oneplus 7 Pro Operating System Android 9 My Question or Issue Massive battery drain the last two days without even using the app. Even set optimize...
lanPremiumCountryUnited States of AmericaDeviceGalaxy S8Operating
SystemAndroidMy Question or IssueMy phones been on for an hour and a
half. How has spotify been running in the background and using power
when I have yet to even open the app today? It...
lan Premium Country United States of America Device Galaxy S8 Operating System Android My Question or Issue My phones been on for an hour and a half. How has spotify been running in the back...
Spotify is eating away at my Samsung S7's (Android 7.0) battery. I
installed GSam and using ADB I can see that the app is using the linear
acceleration sensor, even when I'm not using the app. What function does
Spotify need the accelerometer for?edi...
Spotify is eating away at my Samsung S7's (Android 7.0) battery. I installed GSam and using ADB I can see that the app is using the linear acceleration sensor, even when I'm not using the app. What f...
Even after I close out Spotify on my device, under Apps > Running, there
are 6 Spotify services still running in the background. I have Spotify's
Offline mode enabled, so there are no notifications coming in, nor do
not have any Spotify widgets activ...
Even after I close out Spotify on my device, under Apps > Running, there are 6 Spotify services still running in the background.
I have Spotify's Offline mode enabled, so there are no ...
Did you guys notice this?
Spotify is Top 5 Performance-Draining App, Top 3 Storage eater on
Android Is this something that will be dealt with or can be deal...
Did you guys notice this? http://www.cnet.com/news/whats-killing-your-battery-androids-top-10-performance-sapping-apps/
Spotify is Top 5 Performance-Draining App, Top 3 Storage eater ...
Not sure how battery drain is suppose to be, but playing music for 20
minutes should not drain the battery that much. Spotify also keeps on
draining while note playing. Phone is a galaxy s2 running stable version
of Slimkat/slimroms, 4.4.2.
Not sure how battery drain is suppose to be, but playing music for 20 minutes should not drain the battery that much.
Spotify also keeps on draining while note playing.
Phone is a galaxy...