I've encountered a strange glitch with playlists on my iPhone app that I can't quite figure out. Here's the scenario:
I have an album locally on my computer that is not available on Spotify. Thus, I create a playlist for that album in the Spotify computer program and then drag and drop the songs from the "local files" section into the playlist with the intention of then toggling the "Available Offline" switch so that I can sync the songs to my iPhone for offline play.
I now have a playlist of local files on my computer in Spotify that consists of the album that I wish to sync to my phone. When I open up Spotify on my phone and go to the playlist tab, the playlist appears in the list and underneath it correctly states that I have 11 songs within it. However, when I actually click the playlist and open it up, it appears totally empty and asks me if I want to add songs (gives me the option to select a "browse" button).
I've also noticed something strange that happens with this glitch as well. When I look at the playlist on my computer, all the songs are lit up brightly as if they have found a match within the Spotify bank (they are not grayed-out like you would expect non-available songs to be). Also, I can then click on the album name on one of the songs from the album in the playlist and it will actually bring me to what appears to be an offical upload pf the album complete with a "save" button at the top, artist designation, and copywrite and the bottom. All the songs appear grayed out on this page, however. If I try to independently search for the album by using the normal Spotify search function, it will not come up as if it does not exist - I can only reach this page by clicking the album title in my playlist of local files. So it appears as if the album has an offical upload page on Spotify but doesn't come up in search because none of the songs are available to play through Spotify (they are all grayed out) - and then when I add local versions of the songs that I own into a playlist, they sync up with this "empty" offical upload on Spotify.
I can actually click "save" on this official Spotify upload and it will now appear in my albums list on my computer and on my phone. When I click on the album from the albums list on my computer, it will display the full album and all of the songs will be bright as if I can play them (presumably because the songs are locally on my computer). If I try to open the album from the albums list on my phone, it appears completely blank.
The album this is happening to me for is Andy McKee - Gates of Gnomeria if that makes any difference. I should mention that this glitch doesn't happen with other albums that I have tried to do this for. I have, the past, been able to drag local files (from an album not available on spotify) into a playlist and then to bring that playlist up on my phone and sync it for offline play. In the cases with those albums though, the aritst and album appeared grayed out in the playlist on the computer app so I cannot click them and bring myself to any official upload of the album like I can with Gates of Gnomeria.
My apologies for the long description - please let me know if I can clarify anything. Thanks in advance for the help!