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playlists created on Mac don't push to iOS

playlists created on Mac don't push to iOS

Hey support folks!


Since i started to use Spotify I am bothered that when i create a playlist on my Mac it is not automatically pushed to my iPhone - I always have to grab my phone force quit of the Spotify app and restart to force a sync of the playlist, then turn on make offline available to download tracks - could you guys first of all make the playlist syncing more "pushy" 😉  Then i would like to control on my mac already if playlists should be offline available on the phone or not, so the download can happen on the phone while its laying around in my wifi at home and i just need to grab and go when i am done working on the mac


THANKS everybody.



P.S. Your spellchecker here in the forum doesn't even know the word "Spotify"?? I really start to worry about your professional attitude dudes... Guess I will cancel my Premium account, actually I am experiencing a lot of other bugs that make your service rather unreliable, I don't want to bother with that stuff when i just want to chill and listen to music.

3 Replies

Hi Bopbster! Thanks for your post--mind confirming exactly which device, iOS and Spotify app version you're using?


When your iOS app is in online mode and you make a playlist on the desktop it doesn't show up at all? Until you restart the iOS app? 


on my mac i have on my iphone 5 i run iOS 6.1.4 and spotify app version


I assume the version numbers starting with 0 indicate it's beta software - I also feel that the spotify software on my mac (running latest snow lion update 10.8.5) is unbearably slow on startup and sometimes just doesn't play tracks.


do you think its fair charging people for testing your beta software?

Hi Bopster! Sounds like everything is up-to-date--0.7.4 was our lastest iOS app. You can check the latest release notes here


Please try a clean reinstall of the iOS app and let us know if it's still slow to sync your new playlist when in online mode. 



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