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Common Android Problem, Duplicate Android Devices as Offline Devices

Device Brand: Samsung

Device Model: Galaxy Note 4

Device OS Version: 5.0.1

Spotify App Version:


I've seen a bunch of posts with no resolution for this issue.


Occasionally all of the playlists I mark as available offline get reset and turn gray. What happens is the phone is marked multiple times as an offline device. I haven't found exactly why this is happening, but it is making me and others fed up with Spotify. 


At this point, I might as well cancel Spotify and just start downloading music again. I have to keep all of my old music on my phone because I can't make it available offline as I get into my car to drive a few hours and find out I have no music.


I'd appreciate it if I could get some help stopping whatever is causing this issue, or finding out any possible work-around. 

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