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Who Me Too'd this topic

Spotify UI becomes unusable regularly on Android

Slightly tricky one to describe, but this is 100% reproducable. Have the same problem on Nexus 5 and 5x running latest Android. Been happening for months so rolled through a few versions of Spotify. Hadn't reported it yet as I presumed it'd just get fixed eventually.


Haven't got 100% repo steps but... Play music. Then from any of the interfaces, i.e. lock screen, pull down or the actual app itself, just skip tracks reasonably quickly. Very often the app gets into a state where you are skipping but the music doesn't change. Once that happens the whole app is unusable. The current track will keep playing but you can't interact with the app any more. You can kill the main app itself but music continues to play. The only way out is to go into Settings and manually kill the app.


N.B. If you reopen the main app after killing the usually it becomes unusable. It can't even get song names. Seems unable to get data from the underlying DB. Also, note that this can happen after 1 song skip, but usually it happens after rapidly skipping multiple songs.


My guess (as a developer) is that the app is a composed of 2 parts, a UI and some sort of background worker to play the music. Looks like a race condition where the background app can't keep up with the foreground one and eventually states get screwed up and the app gets into an unrecoverable state.


If you care about this bug the let me know and I'll try to pin down exact repro steps.





Who Me Too'd this topic