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Who Me Too'd this topic

offline tracks unsynced

Hi there,

from time to time, all offline-tracks are unsynced after restart.

Message = using more then 3 devices

Therefore since three month, I only use two devices at a time to be sure this will not happen again.

Today I checked how many devices are shown on the website and I found three devices. Strang, because all are named as Android-Device. There is no way to see what kind of device it is, except the date. So to be sure to delete the right one, I can only use one device per day...


Devices in use:

Android Tablet with Vers. 6.0.1 (no SIM)

Android Tablet with Vers. 4.4.2 (no SIM)

Not in use for Spotify:

Android Cellphone with Vers 5.0 (SIM)

- deleted on a weekend-trip near Luxembourg in May after restart

(no WLAN, no GSM-Access)

- deleted while travelling in southafrika in June after restart

(Please try to get a local SIM e.g. in the desert of Southafrika - good luck)


Some question:

Is it possible to show some info to identify the offline-devices (name of the device or Android Version)?

Is it possible that an extra-device will be added, e.g. after App-Updates?

(The third device was added on first of August 2016. There was an update some days ago, but I'm not sure if it was that date. But I am 100% sure that I was not using any new device.)

What if I am using a Cellphone, sometimes on WLAN (on/offline) and GSM (on/offline and in another Country/with another provider)? Will this count as two or more devices?

Why are you going to delete the files anyway? This will happen usually while travelling around, with no chance to have WLAN-Access. Why are you not going to prevent downloads on a new device instead? (Anyway, you can still delete the files after 30 days offline-use.)


If this can be fixed, I will use my Cellphone again, but only if I can use my own music (and player-app) and spotify offline-music on the same device.

(To be true, if I have to decide, I will use my own music and skip using spotify instead...)


Kind Regards






Who Me Too'd this topic