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Who Me Too'd this topic

App working worse than before since update (not to mention the new horrible UI).

What happened to Spotify in the last few months? I really enjoyed using Spoitfy for years. I loved the intuitive, simple handling and the black design was very smooth. Then came the update that forced the mobile app onto desktop users and everything changed. The new desktop app is a mess where everything takes at lease one step more than before. The new library-system is chaotic and confusing and the covers are far too small now.

For some weeks now, the mobile app is also wirking horribly. It states "no connection to WIFI" although there clearly is one. It takes ages to load albums or just the app after opening. Sometimes, there just appears the green "loading"-circle and that is it...

What happened to Spotify? Is there a  new owner? One who doesn't want to overdo it with the customer service? Is the plan to kill off the desktop version eventually and now is just the "get used to it"-phase? It is such a shame, because for years Spotify was pretty flawless... which is incredible. But yeah, I guess now even Spotify jumped the shark. Seems no big company can go forever with out one big fail. Sad.

Who Me Too'd this topic