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Who Me Too'd this topic

Sort Playlists on iOS Mobile

Spotify! You are frustrating me so much! You have such an extensive library of music, yet I now check on a daily basis to see whether you have employed this new feature which should have actually been added before the music itself. It means that I cannot bear to fork out the 10 quid a month for Spotify and I know that many, many others feel the same way...


Allow sorting of playlists and of one's entire library by artist, album, song etc. on the iOS mobile app (and Android , from what  I hear)!


I personally never use playlists...ever. I like to listen to music spontaneously, completely dependent on my mood, which constantly changes. With iTunes, I usually scroll through artists from A-Z to see what I want to listen to next. Instead, on your half-finished iOS app, all I see is a big mess of unsorted songs. I have 4500 songs. Need I say more?


Also, please add a feature so that I can sync my itouch 4G with a cable, otherwise it takes a couple of weeks to sync with my slow internet.


These are the only changes you need to make for me to stop with iTunes altogether! Spotify 1, Apple 0, eh? Not quite yet...


Please implement!



Who Me Too'd this topic