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All music deleted, kept playing went way over my data limit.

All music deleted, kept playing went way over my data limit.

Hi. Ive been using Spotify for a while now and the following has happened at least 6 times and ive had enough. I don't know how to get to costumer support so I'm gonna post here and hopefully someone will help.

I noticed a few topics on all downloaded tunes being gone all of a sudden. So this has happen to me alot. Wake up in the morning go to work wanting to play my downloaded music and its not there. There's been a couple of times were I'll be listening to the music I have downloaded then I wanna go change playlist and all of a sudden I see that ive gone waaaay over my Data limit which sadly is 1gb. So I'm not just paying 10$ for my subscription but also for my overage charge which is 99% Spotify.

I want this to stop, better yet (this will probably not happe) I want some compensation.

Is this problem caused by having logged in on multiple devices? I have an Xbox one and a smart TV at home which are both logged in. So when my wife decides to listen to music it will then turn mine off if I'm listening regardless whether the songs were already downloaded on my phone. I proceed to turn my data off so I can then resume listening.

There's a huge problem here if you ask me. If my wife turns on a playlist I don't have downloaded on my device and I'm at the same time listening to a downloaded playlist like I mentioned before it will switch to the non downloaded playlist on my device also. Now it will pause my music on my phone, and I'm like "hey what happened to my tunes?" Proceed to hit the play button on my Bluetooth ear buds, and gues what all of sudden tunes are back but now I'm listening to the same playlist as my wife, but its costing me my precious data which I don't have much off and basically after about an hr I'm over my limit.

Please help me.
3 Replies

I just notices the family plan. Now that's nice. But that wasn't an option when I signed up. Very very frustrating that I would have to pay an extra 6$ to listen on multiple devices at once.

You don't have to but sharing your account is not only troublesome (as you have discovered) but also a breach of your agreement with Spotify.

I'm not sharing it as its only me and NY wife

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