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[Android] Tracks sync very slowly

[Android] Tracks sync very slowly

  • Which device(s) are you using? LG G3
  • What version is your iOS? Android 4.4.2
  • What quality are you syncing? Extreme
  • On which device(s) is syncing slow? LG G3
  • On which device(s) is syncing fast (or "regular" speed)? Desktop (W7)
  • If your tracks are syncing slowly, what's your average sync speed?
  • How many tracks, approximately, are you trying to sync? 2500
  • Are you syncing over WiFi or 3G? Wi-fi
  • Do you know and can you confirm how fast your down- and upload speeds are on your WiFi network? 1.2 mo/s
  • (Optional, for privacy reasons) In which country are you located? France
  • Are you syncing local files or Spotify tracks? Spotify tracks
  • If you are trying to sync local files, could you try only syncing Spotify tracks. Is this slow? Yes.
  • Please provide a couple of examples of playlists or tracks that are slow to sync.
  • On the "slow" device, did you:
    reset the cache of your Safari app? Yes
    un- and reinstall the Spotify app? Yes
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