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Android app entirely useless!

Android app entirely useless!

You are aware of the ongoing issues, a simple browse of the Android support forum will reveal that. it's hugely disappointing to see there has been no progress. This problem is not going to go away just because you are sticking your fingers in your ears and pretending everything is OK.


Songs randomly skipping every few seconds, playback stopping for no reason whatsoever, same songs from a playlist repeating over and over again. This has been going on for over a month now.


  • I have done a full, clean, reinstall
  • I've tried it in offline mode
  • I've tried it with synced local files
  • I've switched off wifi and mobile data
  • It's an HTC One M7
  • I'm on Android 4.4 so it's not an issue with NuPlayer
  • I don't get this problem on Windows or iOS

None of this has had any effect.


We're not giving you £120 per year for a failure to deliver a decent service. I've been a huge advocate for Spotify over the last few years, and I've recruited many people to the service through my love of it. Right now I would be hard pressed to find a single positive thing to say about you.


I'm off to check out the prices for Google Play Music. I hope you can solve the issues before me and other loyal customers like me leave you and damage your revenues and reputation.

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