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Can't log into my premium spotify account after i reformat my phone, i

Can't log into my premium spotify account after i reformat my phone, i

I am a premium user of spotify have been for almost a year and i love spotify. This is just frustrating me. So i reformat my lg g3 then when i re install my spotify account via fb it will says that. "You appear to log into spotify from a different country" the problem i did not moved to a different country. I brought my spotify subscription in the philippines and i'm still in the philippines and have never been out of the country .i tried everyway i could to no avail even change my fb password as what they recomended it still doesn't work. What do i do? Seriously need help.
I really need to log into my spotify how can i get out of this.
Btw how many devices can i use in a premium spotify subscription?
Before i reformat my phone i use spotify in 2 devices but when i tried to log in via fb in a third device it will also says that i tried to log in to a diff. Country like the problem i am facing now.
I still have 3 months left in my subscription for premium account. My lg g3 is my main phone and i use it everyday including spotify. I really need to fix this problem i dont want to waste the money i spent..
3 Replies

Have you tried logging in through an email and password (not through FB)???

That might help also I think it is 3 offline devices per account. that is only devices that have songs downloaded on them


i have tried it but it still doesn't work. i don't understand why spotify would say i'm in a different country when i did not move to a different country. how do i solve this..

I'd say email Spotify telling them your problem

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