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Favorites Filter

Favorites Filter

Currently Spotify allows you to sort songs & albums by 'Artist', 'Album', 'Recently added'
This is quite limited. I get that Spotify is trying to keep things's one of the great things about Spotify when compared to other services. However I would really like to see a 'Favourites' Filter added, whereby you could 'star' a song or an album and then sort using it.
Would this be possible and if so praticle? I think it would be...and very simple / easy to use. What does everyone else think?

Nexus 5
1 Reply

Funnily enough, this is something that kind of used to exist then Spotify have removed it! See this post for more info.You could star songs, then they were automatically put into a favourite playlist of sorts (well a starred playlist).  Given that it's been phased out of Spotify recently I cannot see it coming back soon. What I do however, is I have a "Favourites" playlist and I right click on a song I like and stick in into this playlist! It's effectively the same. 


I realise this isn't quite the same as starring things and then having them sorted by that but at least it collates your favourite songs into a singular place 🙂 Hope it helps!

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