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How do I play a playlist?

How do I play a playlist?

OK, I have used Napster for ages. Now trying Spotify Premium on my android phone.


I have searched the help files and boards for answers but I cannot find one:


How the hell do I play a playlist?  If I create one, there is a download button at the top, and there are options to share the list.  But I just want to play the list!  How do I do that?


If I click on one song in the list, then that song, and only that song, gets played.


It is really annoying.


How do I queue the entire playlist?

12 Replies

Odd. It should queue the whole playlist when you click that top song.

After starting playback of that first song the now-playing bar appears at the bottom of the screen ... Tap that to open the full screen view and tap the menu icon at the top right to choose to view the queue - is it empty?
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

Ok, that narrows it down! If the queue is empty, then indeed the whole playlist plays in the queue. If the queue has other songs in it already, then when I press the top song of the playlist only that song is added to the queue.

So my question now becomes: how do I add an entire playlist to an existing queue?

Mine playlist is. I followed the steps you outlined and only one song is added to the queue. I spoke to someone in tech support and they said you have to manually enter each song. Is there a step I am missing?

Not having an option to queue an entire playlist makes this a very weak app, really starting to regret paying for this, think about the basics spotify!

@cric345 wrote:
Not having an option to queue an entire playlist makes this a very weak app, really starting to regret paying for this, think about the basics spotify!

Why would you need to queue a playlist (sorry brains not working today)? 

Once you start playing from a playlist it will be selected as the current playback location and all of those tracks will be in the queue.



Spotify Community Mentor and Troubleshooter

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I get only the track I selected to play, if I want the rest I need to add them each one at a time

Hi. It's not supposed to work like that but playing a track from a playlist should automatically replace the queue, as Peter said. The only exception is if you long tap a playlist track and select to queue it.


What device, adroid and spotify versions are you using?

Hi there!


I had a similar problem, I kept pressing the top song I saw, but I realized that the problem was that they were all individual playlists with the name of the songs. 

1) Make a new playlist, give it a easily identifialbe name, then click on that and add songs to it.


2) I'm not really sure why i'm giving you steps, it's really quite simple.

Re: I am using a PC btw

If you queue up the history of the songs and hit the plus sign on the left and change it to a check sign i will add the song to your music and you can play all music from there.

How can you play a playlist from an android device (premium spotify version) and have the songs play in the order they appear in the playlist (e.g. NOT shuffle play)?

Go to the playlist and tap one of the songs in it - the rest should play in order. If they still shuffle, tap the now playing bar at the bottom and make sure the shuffle icon is greyed out.

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