Please describe the problem
I download spotify from play store, that's no problem, I chose "logg in with facebook" then I get this facebook loading, that keep coming, it's like a spammer, its "loading" goes of, comes right up again, and it doesn't go further then that, and it keeps on like "Loading" off, and then up again.. And it's stuck there, to I go on home button at middle.
What are the steps you took to get to the error/issue?
(We need to know what you are doing so we can do the exact same to try and get the same error)
I didn't exactly do anything, I ran out of spotify premium, I went to buy a new one, then the error came to my phone, it works on my computer, but not on my phone.
What I expected to happen
That I could logg in normally and keep my premium...
Did you restart your device when troubleshooting in section B?
Did you read the connection troubleshooting tips?
Yes, but I don't have connection problems.
Your device
Sony Ericson Neo
Device’s Operating System
Not sure, I got Android..
What type of account do you have?
Space left on your device
1 GB
Space left on your SD card (if applicable)
7 GB
Is your device rooted?
If you don’t know what this means you can probably answer “No”
Are you using a custom ROM, if so which one, exactly?
If you don’t know what this means you can probably answer “No”
Did you set your external SD card as storage location?
I don't think so, but still that wont be the problem to my error.
Did you manually install an older version before installing the latest version from the Play Store?
No, I download from Play store, I also tried to send my phone a msg, where I click to get on spotify to download.
Do you have the same issue when switching between WiFi/Mobile Data (If applicable)?
If you said "No", when does the issue not occur?
When using WiFi.
My mobile Spotify version
The one from Play store.
My desktop Spotify version (if applicable)
Latest version, I just updated it today.
My mobile provider and country
Mobile provider? Norway
My username
Do you have a Spotify (non-Facebook) login?
No, I loggin true facebook, where my problem is.
Are you logging in with Facebook or with your Spotify login details?
Facebook login
Do you have any screenshots you can attach to more clearly explain your issue?
If so, please paste them here