I'm an artist, how do I get my music on Spotify?
You don't need to be signed or have a record deal to get your music on Spotify. Having music from independent artists is important to us so we work with artist-aggregators to get their content uploaded. Click here for a full list of artist-aggregators.If you're a self-published artist or small label without a delivery partner/platform
Please visit our Labels page. We're integrated with delivery platforms such as FUGA and Consolidated Independent - deliveries via these platforms will help get content on Spotify sooner.
Is your music on a label/aggregator already but not on Spotify?
Usually this means that your music will automatically be available on Spotify. To be on the safe side, check with your label or aggregator.If they have delivered it to Spotify, your music is probably in an upload queue. It can take 4-6 weeks to get your music on Spotify.