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No 'Radio' Option for Spotify Mobile?


No 'Radio' Option for Spotify Mobile?

one of my favorite things to do (especially at work) is to listen to spotify, however i dont always have time to pull out my phone and find the song i wanna listen to. Which is why i love the randomness of pandora (for that ONE reason only)

im paying $10/mo.  ($5 added cause i use it on my phone) So it makes me wonder, why do i not have the option to listen to an artists radio station to find new music that i dont have to search for. 


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Hi guys,

Good news! We've just released Spotify Radio for Android. Check out our announcement here for more info...

Check out how we're doing over @SpotifyStatus

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15 Replies

There's no radio option on the mobile app at the moment - it is a 'planned' development though, see this thread in the ideas section:
Listening on Windows, Android and Sonos. Tweeting it at @davelicence

its been almost 4 months and still no spotify radio for mobile users... ill give you one more month, then i might have to go back to pandora >.< sorry but the extra $5/mo. for the mobile app is pretty worthless, if my favorite feature isnt compatible 

Lemme know when it comes to android and I'll start my premium back up. I came to discover new artist no make playlist of things I already know and have in my collection.

Spotify radio came to iOS recently so hopefully it will come to android soon.

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Doubtful. I bet it comes out in a few months.

Wow I'm really surprised this isn't on the android version.  Grooveshark is supposed to be the poor man's Spotify but it seems they are more commited to programming their mobile app.

I have to say, I'm really sick and tired of companies (like Spotify and others) who seem to tell Android users that we are unimportant to them by not developing Android apps in concert with their Apple apps.  Personally it makes me feel like a second class citizen that Spotify really doesn't care about.


Android commands 59% of the world's smartphone marketshare with iOS at a distant 23% (Source: IDC Worldwide Mobile Phone Tracker, May 24, 2012 and all Spotify can think of is how to please their iPhone users -- does that make sense?  


This is why I use MOG now (they have had radio from the outset -- even for Android).  I'd love to use Spotify but the whole iOS-centric development slant really pisses me off.  


I think Android users ought to start a union and boycott companies that launch with an iOS first strategy.

How can Spotify claim to have mobile radio but they really don't?  

it's a bummer but I work around it becuase I listen to Spotify at home as well. When I'm home I create a new playlist and start adding the songs I like into that, so when I'm at work I can play the new list. It's not perfect yet but it's how I get by

Where is the radio for Android? I pay money for the mobile app and this feature should be in there.


Reactivating Pandora....

I agree.  I've been waiting for this feature but if its not coming, I'll probably just cancel my subscription.

it's been a month that iOS users had this feature, but for android there's still no sign of it, other than it's on the "wishlist" of a sticky here.


what's taking so long?

what?? on iOS but not android?? lame, better come soon or I'm going back to my pandora like everyone else

Marked as solution

Hi guys,

Good news! We've just released Spotify Radio for Android. Check out our announcement here for more info...

Check out how we're doing over @SpotifyStatus

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Like Sam said - launch Google Play and update now!

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